Kaitlin Zinsli |
PhD |
Emerging Patterns of Substance Use and Buprenorphine Nonadherence
Brandon Guthrie
Kidist Zewdie |
PhD |
Improving Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) delivery for HIV prevention among women of reproductive age in Sub-Saharan Africa
Renee Heffron
Ashley Tseng |
PhD |
State-of-the-ART Care: Revolutionizing Medication Delivery in Rural Settings with a Person-Centered Care Approach
Ruanne Barnabas
Mimi Ton |
PhD |
Cancer detection to treatment: Health disparities and factors that contribute to them
Amanda Phipps
Taylor Riley |
PhD |
Reproductive health impacts of structural gendered racism: moving from measurement to action
Anjum Hajat
Miguel Paredes |
PhD |
Quantifying SARS-CoV-2 and mpox transmission patterns through phylodynamic inference
Trevor Bedford
Christine Korhonen |
PhD |
Sexual Stigma, Depressive Symptoms, and HIV Vulnerability Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men in Kenya
Susan M. Graham
Yuhan Huang |
PhD |
Aromatase inhibitor use, co-morbidities, and cardiovascular disease risk in breast cancer survivors
Heather Greenlee
Julia Bennett |
PhD |
Observational epidemiology for evaluating respiratory virus vaccine impact using population surveillance data
Emily Begnel |
PhD |
Morbidity, mortality, and gut virome ecology of Kenyan children exposed to versus not exposed to maternal HIV
Jennifer Slyker
Daron Vandeleur |
MS |
Transition of Care Readiness Among Adolescents with Chronic Pain Between 2021-2022 in a Nationally Representative Sample
Stephen Marc Schwartz
Khai Hoan Tram |
MS |
Mobility Patterns, Activity Spaces, and Tuberculosis in Nairobi, Kenya
Carey Farquhar
Fernando Picazo |
MS |
The Impact of the Choosing Wisely Campaign Recommendations on Supplemental Oxygen Management
Nicholas L. Smith
Chineme Nwaichi |
MS |
The Diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis Using Screening Detection of Aspergillus Galactomannan After Hematopoietic stem cell transplant.
Scott McClelland
Arieh Lisitza |
MS |
Inequities in access to mental health care at intersections of race/ethnicity, gender identity, and gender modality: An application of Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity and Discriminatory Accuracy (MAIHDA)
Anjum Hajat
Rebecca Howett |
MS |
Relationship Dynamics and Experiences of Expedited Partner Therapy Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Johannesburg, South Africa
Jennifer Balkus, PhD, MPH
Rezaul Hossain |
MS |
Stroke risk associated with atrial fibrillation: a Burden of Proof study.
Stephen E. Hawes
Nina Clark |
MS |
Evaluation of interfacility transfer patterns among emergency general surgery patients.
Nicholas L. Smith
Erin Chung |
MS |
The Epidemiology and Causes of Global and Regional Sepsis Mortality in Children Under Five, 1990-2021: A Systematic Analysis
Jeffrey Stanaway
Sarah Yasuda |
Effects of Multiple Neuropathologic Features and their Interactions on Cognitive Performance
Walter A. Kukull
Hiwot Weldemariam |
Medication adherence and associated factors among psychiatric patients in Mozambique: longitudinal analyses of data from 2022–2024
Bradley H. Wagenaar
Benjamin Meana |
MS |
Association between 4CMenB vaccination and gonorrhea rates in Washington state by anatomic infection site
Roxanne P. Kerani
Celia Gorbman |
Exploring the Relationship Between Sunscreen Use and Screen Time in American High School Students
Stephen Marc Schwartz
Olivia McCollum |
The Association between Intestinal Fatty Acid Biding Protein and Enteric Pathogens
Patricia Pavlinac
Ann Richey |
Associations Between School Programs Related to Inclusivity and Interpersonal Violence Victimization among United States High School Students
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Lasata Shrestha |
Correlates and outcomes of high inflammatory cytokine levels in ART naive Kenyan children diagnosed with HIV at hospital enrollment
Jennifer Slyker
Javier Silva |
Impact of a Community Health Worker (CHW) Intervention on Emotional Support, and Physical, and Mental Health of Parents of Infants and Toddlers Receiving Care at Federally Qualified Health Centers
Anjum Hajat
Dil Singh |
Settler Colonialism and Health Inequities: Contextualizing Religion and HIV among Transgender Women in the Philippines
Arjee Restar
Ashley Thapa |
Evaluating the Completeness and Timeliness of Tuberculosis Case-Reporting by Laboratories in Washington State, 2019-2023
Scott Lindquist
Arvind Venkataraman |
Assessing the Impact of Comorbidities on Respiratory Virus Prevalence Across Age Groups in Washington State
Helen Y. Chu
Ekua-Yaaba Monkah |
The Association Between Use of Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children During Pregnancy and Low Birthweight Among Non-US Born Birthing People
Anne E. Lund
Betelhem Muno |
Associations between breastfeeding intention, practice, and determinants among pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV and without HIV in western Kenya
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Brenda Oyaro |
A mixed-methods assessment of individual and clinic-level factors associated with uptake of cervical cancer screening (CCS) services in family planning (FP) clinics in Mombasa County, Kenya
Scott McClelland
Neil Panlasigui |
Association of Neighborhood-Level Social Vulnerability with Preterm Birth in King County, Washington 2018-2022
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Shivani Paudel |
Investigating the Association between Maternal Precarious Employment and Childhood Asthma Exacerbation
Anjum Hajat
Francis Ramirez |
Associations between adverse childhood experiences and HIV risk behavior among adults in the United States toward the end of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Susan R. Heckbert
Claire Rater |
Stigma and Sex Work in Dakar Senegal
Stephen E. Hawes
Mackenzie McCausland |
Association of self-reported traumatic brain injury with risk factors and brain MRI markers in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Susan R. Heckbert
Sandra McAteer |
Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Incidence and Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection During Pregnancy
Sascha Dublin
Erika Marts |
Adolescent Nonfatal Firearm Injury Trends at a Level I Trauma Center in King County, WA, 2011-2021
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Tess LaPatra |
Association between extreme heat exposure and Seattle, Washington pediatric hospital services, 2006 to 2023
Joel D. Kaufman
Ellie Harrison |
Birth Setting Related Outcomes Among Low-Risk, Midwife-Attended Births in Washington State
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Eslam Abousamra |
Investigating the influence of virus-virus interactions on susceptibility to subsequent infections
Trevor Bedford
Lauren Agoubi |
Modification of Firearm Law-Firearm Injury Association by Economic Disadvantage
Frederick P. Rivara
Anissa Chan |
Association Between Time of Day of Combination Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Administration and Overall Survival in Advanced Melanoma Patients
Amanda Phipps
John Chang Lang |
Characterizing Sociodemographic, Behavioral Correlates, and Trends of Non-binary/genderqueer Patients at Public Health Seattle and King County Sexual Health Clinic
Roxanne P. Kerani
Shelly Xin Cheng |
Physical Inactivity and Obesity in Relation to Tumor Site and Age Onset for CRC on the Rising Incidence of Early-onset Colon Cancer and Early-onset Rectal Cancer
Amanda Phipps
Angel Cheung |
Building Demolitions and Police-reported Crime in Philadelphia, 2013-2023
Steve J. Mooney
Emma Chrzanowski |
Rectal Douching is not associated with Incident Rectal Gonorrhea or Chlamydia among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)
Christine M. Khosropour
Lauren Church |
Diagnostic Test Evaluation of Urine and Clinical Swab HPV Tests for Detection of HPV DNA and Pre-Invasive Cervical Lesions in Women in Senegal, 1998 – 2001
Stephen E. Hawes
Isaac Derline |
Examining the Association Between Perceived School Safety and Adolescent Electronic Cigarette Use in Washington State High School Students: 2023 Washington State Healthy Youth Survey
Sara Nelson Glick
Lyda Ebadani |
Associations of Pregnancy History and Complications with Incident Cardiovascular Disease Among American Indian Women: The Strong Heart Family Study
Mandy Fretts
Anna Elias-Warren |
Epidemiology of Human Metapneumovirus Infection in a Community-Based Setting, Seattle, WA, USA
Helen Y. Chu
Thomas Fitzpatrick |
Route of opioid consumption and association with overdose among people who inject drugs in Seattle, WA: an analysis of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance survey 2005 – 2022
Sara Nelson Glick
Anna Frauenheim |
Association of physical activity and recurrent venous thromboembolism
Laura B. Harrington
Sarah Garcia |
Association between skin tone and mental health status in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 cohort
Anjum Hajat
Augusto Ferraris |
The Association Between Group Identity and Advanced Therapies in a Cohort of Patients Hospitalized with Venous Thromboembolic Disease: The Medical Inpatient Thrombosis and Hemostasis (MITH) Study.
Nicholas L. Smith
Zack Wettstein |
MS |
Emergency Department Utilization and Unplanned Hospitalizations Associated with Floods in the US from 2008-2017: An Interrupted Time Series and Cohort Analysis
Joel D. Kaufman
Leigh Sheridan |
Cervical Cancer Screening Rates in Females Living with HIV at Three Healthcare Settings in the United States, 2010-2019
Aruna Kamineni
Leah Oltean-Parke |
PhD |
Enhancing public health surveillance: integrating genomic and epidemiologic data to inform public health action and One Health progress
Janet Baseman
Leah Neff Warner |
PhD |
Beverage consumption and perceived healthfulness among parents, and investigation of spillover effects: Insights from the Seattle Sweetened Beverage Tax
Linzee Mabrey |
MS |
Phase 2 randomized open label adaptive platform clinical trial of the clinical and biological effects of IC14 treatment in patients with severe COVID-19
Susan R. Heckbert
Hanbing Guo |
PhD |
Post-Diagnosis Statin Use and Survival Among Patients with Cancer
Christopher I-Fu Li
Boya Guo |
PhD |
Pathogenic Variant Status of High-Risk Genes, Polygenic, Epidemiological Risk Factors, and Utilization of Risk Management Options in Breast Cancer
Sara Lindstroem
Carly Eckert |
PhD |
Adapting Trauma Outcome Prediction Models to Individual Facilities using Transfer Learning
Steve J. Mooney
Sarah Cox |
PhD |
Health and economic impact of COVID-19, surveillance, and vaccination among people experiencing homelessness in Seattle-King County, Washington
Helen Y. Chu
Claudio Bravo Carillo |
MS |
Incidence and Outcomes of Late-Onset Right Ventricular Failure in Patients with Left Ventricular Assist Device
Nicholas L. Smith
Mark Warden |
PhD |
Clinical Trial Designs that Utilize Historical Controls in the setting of Cystic Fibrosis
Steve J. Mooney
Michelle Sabo |
MS |
Changes in vaginal bacteria and inflammatory mediators from periconception through early-postpartum in a cohort of HIV-negative Kenyan women
Scott McClelland
Julia Rogers |
PhD |
Characterizing SARS-CoV-2 infection burden and COVID-19 vaccination intent and uptake in congregate shelters in Seattle, WA
Helen Y. Chu
Molly Reid |
PhD |
Understanding methamphetamine and opioid co-use: national trends and local harm reduction strategies for overlapping illicit drug use
Sara Nelson Glick
Raaka Kumbhakar |
The Impact of a Walk-In HIV Care Model for People who are Incompletely Engaged in Care: the Moderate Needs (MOD) Clinic
Julia Dombrowski
Michael Hussey |
PhD |
Associations of Maternal Exposure and Characteristics with Placental Transcription Regulation and Consequences on Fetal Growth
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Danae Black |
PhD |
Tuberculosis Risk and Prevention: Findings from Domestic and Global Cohorts
Grace C. John-Stewart
Olivia Ancrum |
Difficulty Walking and Contraceptive Use among Reproductive Aged Women: The 2019 CDC’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Adino Tsegaye |
PhD |
Identifying opportunities to reduce cervical cancer prevention disparities in Western Washington
Rachel L. Winer
Jessica Seiler |
PhD |
Exploring the online and in-person epidemiology and etiology of white supremacy
Anjum Hajat
Serena Santoni |
MS |
Examining the Interplay of Social Support, Depression, and Blood Pressure: The Strong Heart Family Study
Mandy Fretts
Unmesha Roy Paladhi |
PhD |
Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Assisted Partner Services for HIV in Western Kenya
Carey Farquhar
McKenzi Norris |
MS |
Sexual Orientation and Influenza Vaccine Uptake in the Southern United States
Alyson Littman
Caitlin McGrath |
MS |
Associations Between Structural and Social Determinants of Health with Pediatric Surgical Site Infections
Christine M. Khosropour
Whitney Kiker |
MS |
Predictors of Mortality and Discharge Location for Patients Supported by Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Noel Weiss
Wenwen Jiang |
PhD |
Adverse pregnancy outcomes, non-retention, eligibility of differentiated care and virologic failure among women living with HIV in prevention of vertical transmission programs
Grace C. John-Stewart
Helen Haile |
Polygenic risk scores and current exogenous estrogen use on the risk of venous thromboembolism in the Heart and Vascular Health Study: a case-only approach
Nicholas L. Smith
Ling Guan |
MS |
KRAS Codon 12 and Codon 13 Mutations in Relation to Overall Survival among Colorectal Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Ulrike Peters
Delaney Glass |
Cofactors of Longitudinal Linear Growth Among Infants with and Without In-utero HIV/Antiretroviral Exposure in Kenya
Grace C. John-Stewart
Douglas Gaitho |
Long-term risk of recurrence of pre-cancerous cervical lesions among women living with HIV in Kenya
McGrath, Christine
Cao Fang |
Gender minority stress and depressive symptoms among transfeminine and gender non-conforming individuals in China: mediating and moderating roles of coping
Arjee Restar
Aaron Davis |
Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms Among Children Exposed to Parental Incarceration in the 2019 and 2021 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
Mienah Sharif
Mary A. Kernic
Kimberly Dalve |
PhD |
Suicide and Firearm Access among Legal System Involved Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Ashley Bardon |
PhD |
Novel Testing Strategies to Support HIV Treatment and Prevention: Acceptability, Preferences, and Impact on Engagement in Care and Sexual Behaviors
Paul K. Drain
Mariama Bah |
MS |
Pregnancy and cervical cancer: a retrospective study of the associations of age at first pregnancy and parity with non-invasive and invasive cervical lesions among HIV-negative women in Senegal
Stephen E. Hawes
Zia Yasaman |
PhD |
Empowerment, Stigma, and Structural Factors and their Influences on Sexual and Reproductive Health Care of Young Women
Renee Heffron
Olga Vitruk |
PrEP Persistence Among Key Populations in Ukraine: Analysis of Scaled PrEP Program Data from October 2020 through February 2022
Priyanka Yerra |
Associations of Prescription Opioid Use during Pregnancy with Low Birth Weight and Length of Hospital Stay: Analysis of PRAMS Data
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Pyone Yadanar Paing |
Impact of the American Heart Association’s Life’s Essential 8 goals on incident cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in the Strong Heart Family Study
Mandy Fretts
Candice Wilshire |
Factors associated with guideline-concordant biomarker testing in patients with stage IB-IIIA non-small cell lung cancer
Noel Weiss
Bridget Waters |
MS |
Reliability of IgG serum antibodies, the electronic health record, and self-report in estimating urogenital and extragenital Chlamydia trachomatis infections in men who have sex with men
Christine M. Khosropour
Patricia Vu |
Elevated body mass index, dementia risk, and post-mortem neuropathology
Walter A. Kukull
Sritripura Talagadadeevi |
Associations of Mental Health Disorders, and Social Support with Retention in HIV Care Following Routine HIV Testing in a Refugee Settlement in Uganda
Brandon Guthrie
Beza Tadess |
Associations of Magnesium Intake with Acyclic Pelvic Pain and Dysmenorrhea
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Olivia Schultes |
MS |
Cofactors of neonatal mortality and hospitalization in western Kenya
Grace C. John-Stewart
Magali Sanchez |
Association of Neighborhood Disadvantage and COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccine Uptake and Positivity Among Kaiser Permanente Washington Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Subjects, 2018 – 2022
Karen Wernli
Lauren Pollack |
MS |
Factors associated with costly and potentially burdensome hospital care among patients with dementia and respiratory failure
Noel Weiss
Keely Paris |
Comparison of Chlamydia trachomatis Seroprevalence and Risk Factors for Infection Among Women who have Sex with Women and Women who have Sex with Men in the 2013-2016 cycles of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States
Lisa E. Manhart
Faith Ngae |
Associations of Total Testosterone with Cardiometabolic Biomarkers among Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Jillian Neary |
PhD |
Trajectories, predictors, and impact on neurocognition of viral control among children living with HIV in Kenya
Grace C. John-Stewart
Kate McConnell |
PhD |
Multilevel sociodemographic and socioeconomic disparities in COVID-19 outcomes in the Central Puget Sound region, 2020-2021
Christine M. Khosropour
Sandra Mata-Diaz |
Mental Health Care Utilization in Latinx Young Adults Who Grew Up in Rural or Small-Town U.S. Communities by Racial/Ethnic Immigrant Generational Status
Isaac Rhew
Nicole Lorona |
PhD |
Characterizing modifiable risk factors of breast cancer recurrence and mortality in a cohort of women with luminal, triple-negative, and HER2-overexpressing breast cancer
Christopher I-Fu Li
Anisha Loeb |
Evaluating the Association between Smoking Behaviors and Anal or Vulvar High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (HSIL) Recurrence
Margaret M. Madeleine
Jake Little |
MS |
Patterns of acute kidney injury and functional outcome scores in pediatric patients hospitalized with acute respiratory failure
Noel Weiss
Kendall Lawley |
Multiple adverse childhood experiences and maternal mental health outcomes among Kenyan mothers with and without HIV
Grace C. John-Stewart
Kristine Karvonen |
MS |
Historical redlining and survival among children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer diagnosed between 2007-2019 in Seattle/Tacoma
Stephen Marc Schwartz
Machi Kaneko |
MS |
Outcomes of Kidney Transplantation Among Undocumented Immigrants in the United States
Noel Weiss
Mary Jewell |
MS |
Association Between Isolation Source, Clonal Composition, and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Escherichia coli Samples Collected in Washington State
Stephen E. Hawes
Sonya Jampel |
Tiny but Mighty: Association between fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and infant mortality in a North Carolina Birth Cohort (2003-2015)
Joel D. Kaufman
Susan Jacob |
Long COVID in young adults on a university campus
Helen Y. Chu
Muna Hassan |
Workplace Suicides Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2013-2020
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Lauren Gomez |
Evaluating the association of prenatal PrEP exposure with perinatal and growth outcomes from infancy through early childhood
Grace C. John-Stewart
Aaron Ferguson |
MS |
Did California’s 2020 Medi-Cal Expansion Improve Health Insurance Coverage and Mental Health Outcomes Among Young Adults Without US Citizenship? A Population-based, Quasi-Experimental Study
Steve J. Mooney
Caitlin Drover |
Relationship between bacterial diversity, specific urethral bacteria and incident NGU in men who have sex with women
Lisa E. Manhart
Saurya Dhungel |
Association of Patient Characteristics with Risk of Rheumatic Heart Disease in First-Degree Relatives of Index Cases in Nepal
Nona Sotoodehnia
Daniel Cockson |
MS |
Prioritizing Out-of-Care Case Investigations in King County, Washington
Julia Dombrowski
Justy Chiramal |
MS |
Can Artificial Intelligence based Automated CT Brain Interpretation Software help Early Clinical Decision Making for Stroke Patients in Real World Resource Limited Settings with Non-Specialist Physicians? An Interrupted Time Series Study from Tezpur, Assam, India
Steve J. Mooney
Mary Casagrande |
Association between environmental modifiable risk score and molecular subtypes in colorectal cancer patients
Ulrike Peters
Michelle Bulterys |
PhD |
FAMILY MATTERS: Relationship dynamics among couples affected by HIV during pregnancy, and neurodevelopment of HIV-exposed uninfected infants in sub-Saharan Africa
Grace C. John-Stewart
Benjamin Bryer |
Does Racial Residential Segregation Influence Smoking Behaviors? The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Anjum Hajat
Nicole Briggs |
The role of multivitamins: an investigation into the association with colorectal cancer survival
Amanda Phipps
Cassidy Brewin |
Associations of COVID-19 Status with Risk for Death and Hospitalization Among Prevalent and Incident Cardiovascular Medication Users
Alison E. Fohner
Piper Brase |
Trends in Chlamydia trachomatis Treatment Prescribing Practices in King County, Washington, 2010 – 2018
Christine M. Khosropour
Omar Bayomy |
MS |
Hemoptysis and serious outcomes in cystic fibrosis
Susan R. Heckbert
Erin Balay |
MS |
Predictors of Disease Activity in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis at 12 and 24 Months After Diagnosis
Noel Weiss
Eric Bakwa |
MS |
Association Between Prediagnostic Cigarette Smoking and Colorectal Cancer Survival by Molecular Subtypes and Age-onset Status.
Amanda Phipps
Maria Bajenov |
Associations between Vaginal Microbiota and Cervicitis
Jennifer Balkus, PhD, MPH
Omolara Akingba |
Association of Bacterial Vaginosis With Chlamydia trachomatis Infection Among Women in Mombasa, Kenya: A Nested Case-Control Study
Jennifer Balkus, PhD, MPH
Diana Tordoff |
PhD |
Heterogeneity in HIV/STI Prevalence, Testing, and PrEP Use among Transgender and Non-binary People and their Partners in the US
Ann Duerr
See Wan Tham |
MS |
Heart Rate Variability and Autonomic Function: A Study of Adolescents with Chronic Abdominal Pain and Healthy Adolescents
Emily Rowlinson |
PhD |
New Insights into Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG): Geographic heterogeneity in Black-White disparities and spatiotemporal trends among US females and the role of azithromycin use for STI treatment in antibiotic resistance
Matthew Golden
Dornell Pete |
PhD |
Assessing Helicobacter pylori infections among adults from the Navajo Nation
Amanda Phipps
Robin Nance |
PhD |
The Association of Upper Airway Anatomy with Cognitive Test Performance and Brain Structure: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Susan R. Heckbert
Caitlin Moe |
PhD |
Epidemiology of Violence in Colombia
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Vi Le |
PhD |
Associations between cannabis use and availability on prescription opioid use and related outcomes among injured workers
Isaac Rhew
Anna Larsen |
PhD |
Perinatal depression and adverse infant outcomes among Kenyan mother-infant pairs
Grace C. John-Stewart
Sahar Khan |
Associations of Structural Racism and Forced Sexual Intercourse Among High School Students in the United States
Mary A. Kernic
Haylea Hannah |
PhD |
Evaluating the impact of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Policies in California Jails
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Olivia Dietz |
Preterm Birth and Cofactors of Survival Time and Time to First Hospitalization in Western Kenya
Grace C. John-Stewart
Ashenafi Cherkos |
PhD |
Effects of HIV exposure, TB and HIV treatment, and isoniazid preventive therapy on prognosis and growth trajectories of children
Grace C. John-Stewart
Kayla Carter |
PhD |
Integrating epidemiologic and molecular methods to improve vaginal health
Jennifer Balkus, PhD, MPH
Bruce Bello |
Correlates of infectious complications of injection drug use among individuals who use drugs in Washington State: An analysis of the 2021 Washington State Syringe Exchange Health Survey
Sara Nelson Glick
Samantha Banks |
MS |
Associations between green space and depressive symptoms in young adults: a longitudinal study
Anjum Hajat
Shengruo Zhang |
MS |
The association between Adverse Childhood Experiences and HPV vaccination coverage in US young adults: a cross-sectional study
Rachel L. Winer
David Yun |
Association Between Sleep Duration and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in United States Adults and Veterans
Alyson Littman
Zhiyu Lluvia Xia |
PhD |
Novel Estimation of Genetic Relationship Matrix (GRM) and Comparisons of Different GRMs in Mega- and Meta- GWAS, in the NHLBI TOPMed Program
Laura West |
MS |
Evaluation of the Safer Use of Antipsychotics in Youth (SUAY) Study on Population Level Antipsychotic Initiation: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis
Steve J. Mooney
Anjali Vasavada |
Methylation markers for anal cancer screening: a repeated cross-sectional analysis of HIV-positive individuals, 2015-2016
Rachel L. Winer
Ruchi Tiwari |
PhD |
The Role of Maternal Height in Pregnancy Outcomes and Complications
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Michelle Thomas |
The Association Between Experiencing Racism and Postpartum Care: A Cross-Sectional Study of Pregnant People in the United States in 2019
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Alexis Thomas |
The association between periconceptional diet quality and adverse pregnancy outcomes
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Katherine Stern |
MS |
Associations of Fatty Liver Disease with Recovery After Traumatic Injury
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Hanna Schlaack |
COVID-19 Vaccination Among Hospitalized Patients at Seattle Children’s Hospital
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Lauren Sarkissian |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA detection on tongue swabs: Effect of anti-tuberculosis drug treatment
Gerard A. Cangelosi
Rachel Sanders |
Assessing Relationships Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Viral Suppression Among Persons Living with HIV in Washington State
Julia Dombrowski
Eliza Ramsey |
Firearm Suicide and Perceived Physical Health Challenges: A Case-Control Study
Steve J. Mooney
Reya Mokiao |
MS |
Diet Quality and Kidney Outcomes in Adolescent and Adult American Indians: The Strong Heart Family Study
Mandy Fretts
Ruby Lucas |
Factors associated with facilitators and barriers to gender-affirming care among transgender and nonbinary youth and young adults in Washington: A mixed-methods approach
Sara Nelson Glick
Tongqiu Iris Jia |
Cancer survival prediction of six cancer types with germline whole-exome sequencing data from the UK Biobank
Sara Lindstroem
Allison Ikeda |
MS |
Development of CPAP Dose Response for Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Secondary Analysis
Amanda Phipps
Matthew Huber |
MS |
Left atrial strain and the risk of arrhythmias on extended ambulatory cardiac monitoring: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
James Floyd
Anna Howard |
Evaluating the Association of Military Unit Cohesion with Depressive Symptoms, Suicidal Ideation, and Alcohol Use Among U.S. Military Members Meeting Diagnostic Criteria for PTSD
Isaac Rhew
Katherine Holzhauer |
MS |
Association of media and messaging on the impact of the Seattle sugar-sweetened beverage tax
Madison Hollcroft |
PrEP Uptake among Eligible Patients Attending the Largest PrEP Clinic in Jackson, Mississippi
Christine M. Khosropour
Courtney Hill |
MS |
The association of dietary factors and bacterial alpha diversity in the colorectal tumor-associated microbiome
Amanda Phipps
Sarah Hicks |
Selecting strategies for implementation and comparing strategy prioritization methods for improving PrEP delivery in maternal and child health clinics in Kenya
Catherine Henley |
PhD |
Contraceptive Decision-Making and Use Among Latina Adolescents Aged 18-19 in the United States
Renee Heffron
Madeleine Heldman |
MS |
Delayed mortality among solid organ transplant recipients hospitalized for COVID-19
Anna Wald
Aytan Garayusifova |
Human Papillomavirus prevalence in Senegalese women in relation with age
Stephen E. Hawes
Noah Frank |
Emergency Room Utilization and Methamphetamine Overdose Symptoms Among Syringe Service Program Clients in Washington State
Sara Nelson Glick
Miriam Flores |
The Association Between Parental Nativity and Developmental Disabilities in the United States: The National Survey of Children’s Health
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Hannah Fenelon |
Regional Escherichia coli antibiotic resistance among outpatients in Washington state from 2013-2019
Stephen E. Hawes
Miranda Delawalla |
PhD |
Experience of Being Bullied, Depressive Symptoms, Suicidality, and Substance Use among Adolescents
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Logan Dearborn |
Role of air pollution in development of asthma among children with a history of bronchiolitis in infancy
Catherine Karr
Eli Davis |
Neighborhood cultural environment and anxiety and depression symptoms among majority Mexican American adults: Results from the HCHS/SOL
Steve J. Mooney
Ronit Dalmat |
PhD |
Cumulative Risk of Colorectal Cancer and Colorectal Cancer Mortality in Screen-Eligible Older Adults with History of Adequate Screening
Jessica Chubak
Jessica Chen |
Examination of Associations Between Zip Code Level COVID-19 Case Rates and Mental Health in Washington Counties among Young Adults
Isaac Rhew
Erin Chase |
Trajectories of financial distress during the COVID-19 pandemic and their associations with mental health and substance use outcomes in a cohort of young adults
Isaac Rhew
Tyler Bonnell |
Evaluating the Lethal Means of Non-Fatal Suicide Attempts Presenting to Washington State Emergency Departments Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Stephanie Ann Buchbinder |
HPV Vaccine Effectiveness by Age and Timing of Vaccination Relative to Age at First Sex Among Men Who Have Sex with Men – Seattle, Washington, 2018-2020
Rachel L. Winer
Nicole Asa |
Associations between the Sweetened Beverage Tax Implementation in Seattle, WA and Changes in Supermarket Interior Marketing Displays
William Tsang |
Earned income tax credit policy and unhealthy alcohol use: A difference-in-differences analysis of U.S. states, 2001-2019
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Stephanie Tornberg-Belanger |
PhD |
Antimicrobial Resistance in Enteric Bacteria Isolated from Kenyan Children at Discharge from Hospital
Judd L. Walson
David Allen Roberts |
MS |
Modeling to Inform the Delivery of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ruanne Barnabas
Vanessa Phuong |
MS |
A longitudinal study of the association between internalizing problems during early adolescence and alcohol and cannabis use disorder at age 18 in a community sample
Isaac Rhew
Boeun Kim |
Associations of Air Pollution and Gait Speed in Older Adults
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Simon Hsu |
MS |
Clinical and Biomarker Modifiers of Vitamin D Treatment Response: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Ian H. De Boer
Dianna Hergott |
PhD |
Elucidating barriers to malaria elimination: An analysis of the role of low-density and imported Plasmodium falciparum infections to onward malaria transmission
Jennifer Balkus, PhD, MPH
Kirkby Tickell |
PhD |
Understanding Enteric Dysfunction as a Determinant of Post-Discharge Pediatric Outcomes in Kenya and Pakistan.
Judd L. Walson
Megan Suter |
PhD |
Cadmium Burden and Blood Pressure
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Neha Sathe |
MS |
Development and validation of a biomarker-based model to predict persistent hypoxemic respiratory failure among mechanically ventilated adults
Alison E. Fohner
Maria Oliva |
MS |
Depressive Symptoms Over the Course of Adolescence among Latinx Youth from Small Towns in the United States: Comparing Children of Immigrants and Non-Immigrants
Isaac Rhew
Steven Erly |
PhD |
Structural Barriers to Continuity of HIV Care: Characterizing and Evaluating the Impact of Patient Discontinuation from AIDS Drug Assistance Programs
Julia Dombrowski
Joni Anderson |
MS |
Rabies Virus Neutralizing Antibody Levels in Veterinary Medical Professionals: A Cross Sectional Study from Samples Collected at U.S. Veterinary Continuing Education Conferences
Margaret M. Madeleine
Esteban Valencia |
Examining the scope of homicide-suicide perpetrated by law enforcement: A population-based retrospective study using multiple frames, 2003 – 2017
Mary A. Kernic
Mallory Smith |
MS |
The Association of Severe Pain Experienced in the PICU and Health-Related Quality of Life Post-Discharge
Noel Weiss
Natasha Ludwig-Barron |
PhD |
Karibu na sirenji (Near the Syringe): Applying mixed methods to characterize the HIV risk environment and gender differences among persons who inject drugs in Nairobi, Kenya
Brandon Guthrie
Kendra Kamp |
MS |
Concordance and discordance between patient-defined remission and remission based on validated patient-reported outcome measures among patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease
Stephen E. Hawes
Meixin Zhang |
MS |
The effect of polygamy on loss of human papillomavirus detection in Senegalese women
Stephen E. Hawes
Sarah Yarborough |
Evaluation of Cognitive Function in the Dog Aging Project: Associations with Baseline Canine Characteristics
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Zeyuan Yang |
MS |
Migraine and the risk of different molecular subtypes of breast cancer
Christopher I-Fu Li
Natalie Wu |
MS |
Long-term Neurocognitive Outcomes in Adult Survivors of Hematopoietic Cell Transplant
Amanda Phipps
Blake Wolfe |
Prevalence, incidence and characteristics associated with asymptomatic urethral inflammation in men who have sex with women
Lisa E. Manhart
Yan Wang |
MS |
Invasive Mechanical Ventilation and Nutrition Intake in Association with Serious Outcomes among COVID-19 ICU Patients
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Ethan Valinetz |
Associations between isoniazid preventive therapy, non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection, and incipient TB signatures in people with HIV
Anna Wald
Taylor Genevieve |
COVID-19 and Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in King County, Washington
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Anna Sutton |
Impact of approval of biologic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs on juvenile idiopathic arthritis outcomes
Beth A. Mueller
Randy Stalter |
PhD |
Evaluating PrEP use and safety among women of reproductive age in sub-Saharan Africa
Jared Baeten
Francis Slaughter |
The Impact of COVID-19 Stress on ART Adherence and Unsuppressed Viral Loads in People Living with HIV in Western Washington
Susan M. Graham
Molly Simonson |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on STI Testing in King County, WA
Christine M. Khosropour
Julia Rogers |
Care-seeking correlates of acute respiratory illness among sheltered homeless adults in Seattle, WA: a community-based cross-sectional study
Helen Y. Chu
Ali Khaki |
MS |
Utilization of systemic therapy in cancer patients near the end-of-life in the pre- vs. post-checkpoint inhibitor eras
Stephen Marc Schwartz
Phillip Hwang |
PhD |
Making Sense of Brain Aging: Hearing and Visual Impairments, Ophthalmic Conditions, and Risk of Dementia in Older Adults
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Sixtine Gurrey |
Firearm Injury and Violence Research Articles in Health Sciences by Funding Status and Type: A Scoping Review
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Matthew Dekker |
Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification by Depression and Social Support: A Longitudinal Study from the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Anjum Hajat
Hongjie Chen |
PhD |
Genetics, Mammographic Density and Breast Cancer Risk
Sara Lindstroem
Jennifer Brown |
Structural Factors and Racial Disparities in Severe Maternal Morbidity: An Examination of State-Level Indicators of Structural Racism and Severe Maternal Morbidity Among Black and White Persons in the U.S., 2009-2011
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Mariyam Shaikh |
Association between Pregnancy Intention and Post-partum Depression in a Multi-state US Population
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
William Sheahan |
Investigating Bias in School-Based Deworming Coverage Estimates from the DeWorm3 Trial
Judd L. Walson
Camilla Senter |
Maternal stressful life events during pregnancy and atopic dermatitis in children aged approximately 4-6 years
Catherine Karr
John Schoof |
Residential Land Use Regulation and Chronic Disease Disparities by Income Level
Steve J. Mooney
Madelyn Sather |
The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Rates
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Colin Sallee |
MS |
Early Cumulative Fluid Balance and Outcomes in Pediatric Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients with Acute Respiratory Failure
Susan R. Heckbert
Jamie Oh |
MS |
Shifting Perspective – Can Behavioral Health Care Resources Reduce State Firearm Homicide Rates?
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Talitha Moon |
Longitudinal Associations of Branched-chain and Aromatic Amino Acids with Decreased Insulin Secretion and Insulin Sensitivity among Japanese-Americans
Edward J. Boyko
Julianne Meisner |
PhD |
Livestock and the epidemiology of sleeping sickness: mechanisms and implications
Peter Rabinowitz
Yuyang Ma |
MS |
Life’s Simple 7 in relation to supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias on extended ambulatory cardiac monitoring: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Susan R. Heckbert
Julia Lund |
The Intergenerational Impact of Precarious Work: A retrospective cohort analysis of the association between parent’s employment quality and their children’s behavioral problems
Anjum Hajat
Kristen Lovio |
Characterization of the Association Between Mindfulness, Metapersonal Awareness, and Mental Health Outcomes
Walter A. Kukull
Alex Lois |
MS |
The Utilization and Safety of Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) for Achalasia in the US
Noel Weiss
Gui Liu |
PhD |
Cervical cancer prevention in the context of abating HIV prevalence in Kenya
Ruanne Barnabas
Margaret Lind |
PhD |
Using Big Data to Improve Bacterial Sepsis Risk Stratification Among Immunocompromised Cancer Patients
Amanda Phipps
Zhuochen Li |
MS |
Effect of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection on Human Papillomavirus Clearance among Women in Senegal, West Africa
Stephen E. Hawes
Samantha LeDuc |
Joint association between endogenous sex hormones, genetic risk factors, and incident venous thromboembolism in women
Sara Lindstroem
Gabriella LaBazzo |
Assessing Climate Driven West Nile Virus Risk in Washington State
Christine M. Khosropour
Sara Kinter |
PhD |
Predictors of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency After Surgical Advancement of the Maxilla Among Young Adults with Cleft Palate
Noel Weiss
Abir Hussein |
Analyzing trends in HSV Western Blot results at a Reference Laboratory
Anna Wald
Kelsey Hewson |
COVID-19 in Washington K-12 Schools: Time to first COVID-19 school outbreak characterized by learning modality and community transmission
Janet Baseman
Marnie Hazlehurst |
PhD |
Residential green space and behavioral and mental health outcomes in early childhood
Catherine Karr
Anna Harrington |
Associations between Bike Score and frequency of bicycle ridership among women of reproductive age in the Puget Sound Region of Washington state
Steve J. Mooney
Anurekha Hall |
MS |
Socioeconomic Factors and Adherence to Healthcare Recommendations in Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors
Beth A. Mueller
Cameron Haas |
PhD |
The genetics of sex hormones and their effects on mammographic density in women
Sara Lindstroem
Matthew Goldberg |
Fusobacterium Nucleatum Enrichment in Colorectal Cancer and its Relationship with Tumor Attributes
Amanda Phipps
Jacob Fong-Gurzinky |
MS |
Effect of Internal Standard Normalization of Microbiome Data on Outcomes of a Controlled Feeding Study and a Longitudinal Study in a Multiethnic Cohort
Johanna W. Lampe
Caitlin Crumm |
MS |
Association of CPS Post-Response Daycare Services with Child Physical Abuse Recidivism
Mary A. Kernic
Tiffany Chen |
The association between smartphone-derived population-level mobility and COVID-19 in 2020: a census tract-level analysis of King County
Steve J. Mooney
Samuel Byrne |
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in a US Public University Cohort
Helen Y. Chu
Medhavi Bole |
Characterization of patients seeking care at a Sexual Health Clinic who report engaging in exchange sex
Julia Dombrowski
Michela Blain |
Contraceptive Use Among Cisgender Women with Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Cross-Sectional Study
Julia Dombrowski
Michael Barry |
Hepatitis C Prevalence, Correlates, and Social Networks among Cisgender Women who Participate in Sex Work in Seattle, WA
Sara Nelson Glick
Jessica Barreto Guacaneme |
MS |
Hyperoxia After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: Association with Survival and Neurological Outcomes
Noel Weiss
Aspen Avery |
A prospective study of the association between living with an adult who misuses alcohol during childhood and major depressive disorder in adulthood: Evaluating the role of child maltreatment, sex, school bonding, and neighborhood bonding
Isaac Rhew
Arthur Sillah |
PhD |
Cancer incidence, mortality, and immunotherapy outcomes in relation to sleep problems: Results from Cardiovascular Health Study and a cancer immunotherapy cohort
Amanda Phipps
Rachel Wenger Kubiak |
PhD |
Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor for Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected and Uninfected Populations
Paul K. Drain
Amy Jan |
MS |
Investigating Health Inequality in Primary Care Spatial Accessibility Among Races and Ethnicities in King County Using a Geospatial Approach
Steve J. Mooney
Sneha P. Cherukuri |
MS |
An investigation of expression quantitative trait loci in interferon genes in childhood asthma using RNA-sequencing data
Alison E. Fohner
Dara Horn |
MS |
Outcomes of Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcal Necrotizing Skin and Soft Tissue Infections and the Impact of Clindamycin Resistance
Noel Weiss
Shewit Giovanni |
MS |
Identifying patient level factors of prone positioning therapy
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Matthew Modes |
MS |
Patient-reported receipt of goal-concordant care among seriously ill outpatients – prevalence and associated factors
Susan R. Heckbert
Murugi Micheni |
Evaluating Measures of HIV Risk Perception with a Mixed Method Approach Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women Using PrEP in Kenya
Jared Baeten
Morgan Meadows |
MS |
Validity of Identification Methods of Lower Extremity Amputation in the Veterans Health Administration Electronic Medical Records
Alyson Littman
Jennifer Zengjing Liu |
Prenatal Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution, Gestational Weight Gain, and Offspring Birth Weight
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Jean Liew |
MS |
Exercise Partially Explains the Impact of Body Mass Index on Disease Activity in Ankylosing Spondylitis
Susan R. Heckbert
Leif Layman |
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Systemic Inflammation in Adults in the United States
Anjum Hajat
Terra Forward |
Validity of Self-reported HPV Vaccination History in 18-26 Year Old Men Who Have Sex with Men, 2016-2018
Rachel L. Winer
Laura Ellington |
MS |
Factors associated with reduced lung function in adolescents living with HIV in Nairobi, Kenya
Brandon Guthrie
Jerzy Eisenberg-Guyot |
PhD |
Does the union make us strong? Labor unions, health, and health inequities in the United States
Anjum Hajat
Matthew Driver |
Social Support Regarding Abortion Decision and Mental Health Outcomes at Time of Seeking Abortion Services
Jennifer Balkus, PhD, MPH
Graham Crawbuck |
MS |
The impact of short message service reminders on returning to test for HIV at a community center in Seattle, WA
Jennifer Balkus, PhD, MPH
James Buszkiewicz |
PhD |
The influence of state minimum wage increases on health and behavior
Adam Drewnowski
Michelle Ann Bulterys |
Correlates of HIV status non-disclosure by pregnant women living with HIV to their male partners in Uganda: a cross-sectional study
Connie Celum
Patrick Bullard |
MS |
Predicting individual-specific HIV survival functions – motivation, implementation, and potential applications.
Jared Baeten
Alexander Bryant |
MS |
Impact of FDA advisories on smoking cessation for Veterans with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Nicholas L. Smith
Stephanie Brown |
MS |
Predictors of Pediatric In-Hospital Recurrent Cardiac Arrest
Noel Weiss
Allison Black |
PhD |
Genomic epidemiology on the frontline: Inferring disease dynamics from pathogen genomes and supporting genomic analysis in applied public health settings.
Trevor Bedford
Helena Archer |
Local-level Association of Social Deprivation and Serious Injuries in Washington State: An Ecological Cross-sectional Study
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Kaitlin Zinsli |
Non-gonococcal urethritis and its relationship to three novel bacterial vaginosis (BV) associated bacteria
Lisa E. Manhart
Gregory Zane |
An evaluation of the performance characteristics of World Health Organization syndromic management for C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae infections among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya
Jennifer Balkus, PhD, MPH
David Wenger |
MS |
Factors associated with poor patient recall of lung cancer screening follow-up recommendations and the association with adherence
Amanda Phipps
Valentine Wanga |
PhD |
Improving Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Delivery for Young Women in Kenya
Jared Baeten
Angela Steineck |
MS |
Hospitalization and mortality outcomes in the first five years after a childhood cancer diagnosis: a population-based study
Beth A. Mueller
Jessica Stahl |
MS |
Psychiatric diagnoses in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease
Stephanie Ruderman |
Weight gain following antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation in ART-naive people living with HIV in the current treatment era
Joseph (Chris) Delaney
Leah Neff Warner |
Diet quality and depressive symptoms in a cohort of American Indians: The Strong Heart Family Study
Mandy Fretts
Brianna Mills |
PhD |
Firearm-related morbidity and mortality by injury intent: Analysis of medical, criminal, and vital records in Seattle, WA
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Julianne Meisner |
MS |
Cattle-associated risk factors for human tuberculosis in rural livestock keeping communities, Uganda
Peter Rabinowitz
Sarah McNabb |
Effect modification of the alcohol – colorectal cancer association
Ulrike Peters
Trenton MacAllister |
Trends in incidence of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus colonization and bacteremia among hematopoietic cell transplant recipients at a large comprehensive cancer care center
Amanda Phipps
Margaret Lind |
Effects of Intubation Location on Risk of Ventilator Associated Events
Stephen E. Hawes
Vijay Krishnamoorthy |
PhD |
Incidence, Longitudinal Trajectory, and Hemodynamic Implications of Cardiac Dysfunction Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Nithya Kannan |
Stressful Life Events in Pregnancy and Postpartum Depressive Symptoms among Women in Washington State
Melissa A. Schiff
John Haight |
Risk factors of opioid-related overdose among opioid users in an acute care setting: a prospective cohort study
Anjum Hajat
Cameron Haas |
Patterns in completion of colorectal cancer screening using fecal immunochemical tests in a health maintenance organization setting
Amanda Phipps
Hannah Frenkel |
MS |
Illnesses and Injuries at Nature Preschools
Molly Feder |
Correlates of HPV vaccination and association with HPV-16 and HPV-18 DNA detection in young women
Stephen E. Hawes
Rachel Engen |
MS |
Donor Specific Antibody Surveillance and Graft Outcomes in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients
Noel Weiss
Elisabeth Brandstetter |
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Syphilis and Hepatitis B Co-Infection Among Newly-Diagnosed HIV-Infected Adults in Durban, South Africa
Paul K. Drain
Pavan Kumar Bhatraju |
MS |
Circulating levels of soluble Fas (sCD95) are associated with risk for development of a non-resolving acute kidney injury sub-phenotype
Susan R. Heckbert
Sidney Bell |
MS |
Modern-Day SIV Viral Diversity Generated by Extensive Recombination and Cross-Species Transmission.
Trevor Bedford
Emily Begnel |
High cervical IL-6 levels predict spontaneous preterm birth among women in western Kenya
Jennifer Slyker
Sylvia Badon |
PhD |
Maternal periconceptional physical activity, sedentary behavior, and offspring growth
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Thomas Austin |
Atrial Fibrillation in an African-American Cohort: the Jackson Heart Study
Susan R. Heckbert
Susan Pamela Wong |
MS |
Treatment practices of patients with advanced kidney disease in the US Department of Veterans Affairs, 2000-2011
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Angela Ulrich |
PhD |
Substance Use, Sexual Networks, and HIV risk among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Peru
Ann Duerr
Orion Stewart |
PhD |
Public Park System Characteristics Associated with Physical Activity
Alyson Littman
Tri Nhan Dai Le |
Sociodemographic, behavioral, and neighborhood-environment predictors of diabetes prevalence across Asian American ethnicities: Analyses of CHIS (2013-2015).
Anjum Hajat
Lindsay Horn |
Precipitation Associated with Increased Diarrheal Disease in Mozambique; A Time Series Analysis
Anjum Hajat
Kerry Thomson |
PhD |
HIV-1 Risk and Prevention Strategies for Women during Pregnancy and Postpartum
Renee Heffron
Jennifer Mueller |
Pregnancy Intention and Postpartum Depressive Symptoms: An Analysis of PRAMS Data
Stephen E. Hawes
Sophie Mayer |
MS |
CYP2D6 inherited variation and inhibiting medication use in relation to adverse breast cancer outcomes after tamoxifen therapy
Kathleen E. Malone
Ira Martopullo |
Systemic monocyte activation levels and developmental milestone attainment in HIV-infected infants initiating antiretroviral therapy
Grace C. John-Stewart
Jovana Martin |
Racial Disparities in the Utilization of Preventive Health Service among Older Women with Early Stage Endometrial Cancer Enrolled in Medicare
Melissa A. Schiff
Vivian Lyons |
The Effect of Arrest on Intimate Partner Violence Recidivism
Victoria Holt
Kim Kummer |
Dairy Consumption and Incident Type 2 Diabetes Among American Indians: The Strong Heart Family Study
Mandy Fretts
Elyse Kadokura |
Using GPS data to explore demographic predictors of life-space: a pooled analysis
Mandy Fretts
Jennifer Hubber |
HIV Status and Risk Factors for Hypertension in South African Adults
Paul K. Drain
Marnie Hazlehurst |
MS |
Air pollution exposure and novel biomarkers of inflammation and cardiac stress in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air)
Joel D. Kaufman
Barbara Harding |
MS |
Proton pump inhibitors and the risk of fractures in older adults: a population-based retrospective cohort study
Sascha Dublin
Kerry Hancuch |
Safer Conception Among HIV-1 Sero-Discordant Couples in East Africa: Understanding Knowledge, Attitudes, and Experiences
Renee Heffron
Cheryl Dietrich |
Power, privilege and HIV prevalence: examination of sexual HIV-risk factors in MSM and transgender women who engage in transactional sex
Ann Duerr
Seth Cohen |
MS |
Mortality and perinatal infectious complications following home birth in Washington State: 2003-2014
Alyson Littman
Laura Chambers |
Constructing and evaluating alternative prediction models for identifying clinically relevant cases in an STD clinic
Julia Dombrowski
Tessa Carlson |
Sexual behavior patterns and condom use in newly sexually active female university students
Rachel L. Winer
Rebecca Brander |
Host and environmental correlates of multi-drug resistance in Kenyan children with acute bacterial diarrhea
Grace C. John-Stewart
Elfriede Agyemang |
Performance of commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for diagnosis of HSV-1 and HSV-2 infection in a clinical setting
Anna Wald
Ata Moshiri |
Polyomavirus-negative Merkel cell carcinoma: a more aggressive subtype based on analysis of 282 cases using multi-modal tumor virus detection
Stephen Marc Schwartz
Leora R. Feldstein |
PhD |
The 2014 chikungunya virus outbreak in the U.S. Virgin Islands: epidemiology, long-term health outcomes, and economic burden
Elizabeth Halloran
Kenneth K. Mugwanya |
PhD |
Safety of oral tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-based pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention: prospective studies in HIV-uninfected men and women
Jared Baeten
Lu Chen |
PhD |
Hypertension and diabetes treatment and risk of adverse outcomes among breast cancer patients
Christopher I-Fu Li
Gloria C. Chi |
PhD |
Methylomic and Transcriptomic Insights Linking Air Pollution and Atherosclerosis
Joel D. Kaufman
Willa D. Brenowitz |
PhD |
Prevalence of mixed neuropathologies in autopsied older adults and associations with clinical disease progression
Walter A. Kukull
Michael B. Arndt |
PhD |
Environmental Enteropathy and Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 are associated with early childhood growth in Bangladesh
Judd L. Walson
Alastair Matheson |
PhD |
Changing etiologies of childhood acute febrile illness: implications for management in an era of declining malaria
Joel D. Kaufman
Judd L. Walson
Sarah Roberts |
PhD |
Gender Based Violence and HIV Risk: Mediating Pathways and Strategies for Prevention
Susan M. Graham
Kathleen Jessica Ramos |
MS |
Heterogeneity in survival among adult cystic fibrosis patients with low lung function in the United States
Noel Weiss
Linda Oseso |
Intimate Partner Violence among HIV-seropositive and HIV-seronegative Pregnant Women Receiving Partner Services in Kisumu, Kenya: Correlates and Incidence during Postpartum
Brandon Guthrie
Jillian Neary |
Role of Support Persons in Adolescent and Young Adult Voluntary HIV Testing and Counseling in Kenya
Jennifer Slyker
Collette Ncube |
MS |
Sex-specific Associations of Maternal Birthweight with Offspring Birthweight in the Omega Study: The role of pre-pregnancy body mass index
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Julia Hood |
PhD |
Using HIV Surveillance Data for Public Health Evaluations and Interventions: Common Challenges & Proposed Methodological Solutions
Stephen E. Hawes
Christopher Hearne |
Association between depressive symptoms, risk factors for sexually transmitted infections, and nongonococcal urethritis
Lisa E. Manhart
Jessica Citronberg |
PhD |
Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, associated factors, and colorectal cancer
Johanna W. Lampe
Brandon Auerbach |
Cardiovascular Health Effects of 100% Fruit Juice Versus Whole Fruit in Postmenopausal Women: Results from the Women’s Health Initiative
Alyson Littman
Lauren Strand |
MS |
New statin use and left ventricular structure: estimating long-term associations in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Joseph (Chris) Delaney
Monisha Sharma |
PhD |
Evaluating the efficiency of community-based HIV testing and counseling strategies to decrease HIV burden in sub-Saharan Africa
Ruanne Barnabas
Chelsie Porter |
Socioeconomic Status and Health Behavior in Nepal
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Roxanne P. Kerani
Thomas Odeny |
PhD |
Implementation science to expand an mHealth intervention for improving retention in care for women living with HIV and their children
Scott McClelland
Andrew Mujugira |
PhD |
Antiretroviral Treatment as Prevention in African HIV-1 Serodiscordant Couples: Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities
Jared Baeten
Stephanie Kovacs |
PhD |
Assessing the association between receipt of antimalarial drugs and adverse pregnancy outcomes using pooled data
Andy S. Stergachis
Christine Heumann |
Comparison of In-Person Versus Telephone Interviews for Early Syphilis and HIV Partner Services in King County, Washington (2010-2014)
Matthew Golden
McKenna Eastment |
Association between vaginal bacterial microbiota and the presence and clinical presentation of vulvovaginal candidiasis
Scott McClelland
Sanju Bhattarai |
Influence of household remittance on childhood stunting in Nepal
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Griffith Bell |
PhD |
Air Pollution and High Density Lipoprotein Structure and Function
Joel D. Kaufman
Ying Zhang |
Birth-to-pregnancy intervals and adverse perinatal outcomes among African-born women in Washington State
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Xiao Zhang |
Ambient ozone pollution and daily mortality in three megacities in China
Joel D. Kaufman
Tashina Robinson |
MS |
Erectile Dysfunction Drug Use, Risk Behavior, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Lisa E. Manhart
Amy Rice |
The Association of Maternal Occupations and Deliveries by Cesarean Section for Infants Born in Washington, 2011 to 2013
Joel D. Kaufman
Anton Quist |
Sociodemographic and clinical correlates of immune activation in postpartum HIV-1/HSV-2 co-infected Kenyan women
Carey Farquhar
Brodie Parent |
MS |
Bariatric surgery in women of child-bearing age, timing between an operation and birth, and associated perinatal complications
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Gillian Tarr |
PhD |
Escherichia coli O157:H7 Phylogenetics: Implications for Virulence and Disease Distribution
Amanda Phipps
Kristina Rudd |
Early Management of Community-Acquired Sepsis in a Regional Thai Referral Hospital: a Prospective Observational Study
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Elizabeth Harrington |
Evaluation of an mHealth SMS dialogue strategy to meet women’s and couples’ postpartum contraceptive needs in Kenya (Mobile WACh XY): A randomized controlled trial
Grace C. John-Stewart
Richard Harbison |
MS |
The Mutational Landscape of Recurrent vs Non-Recurrent Human Papillomavirus-Associated Oropharyngeal Cancer
Stephen Marc Schwartz
Marielle Goyette |
PhD |
Overcoming Barriers to HIV/STD Partner Services in Kenya and the United States
Carey Farquhar
Kristina Bajema |
MS |
Subclinical tuberculosis among HIV-infected adults: Clinical features and outcomes in a South African cohort
Paul K. Drain
Xinyi Wang |
MS |
Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Memory Function in Nepal: Findings from the Dhulikhel Heart Study
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Manali Vora |
Analysis of types of Tumor-Infiltrating Immune Cells in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) and their associations with survival of OSCC patients
Chu Chen
Jonathan Muir |
Exploring Factors Associated with the Prioritization of South-to-South Partnerships by International Global Health Institutions in the Southern Hemisphere
Stephen E. Hawes
Katrina Deardorff |
Evaluation of Zika Virus Testing Through the Washington State Department of Health
Gary M. Goldbaum
Emily Wu |
The impact of HIV infection on cervical cancer presentation and survival in Uganda
Stephen Marc Schwartz
Cordelie Witt |
Short and long-term patient outcomes following inhalation injury among burn patients
Frederick P. Rivara
Xiaoliang Wang |
PhD |
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Chronic Inflammation and Colorectal Cancer Risk
Emily White
Megan Suter |
MS |
Implications of combined exposure to household air pollution and HIV on neurodevelopment in Kenyan children
Grace C. John-Stewart
Keshet Ronen |
Comprehensive characterization of humoral correlates of human immunodeficiency virus 1 superinfection acquisition in high-risk Kenyan women
Susan M. Graham
Julie Rivers |
MS |
Defining Optimal T-Cell Characteristics for Pediatric Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell Trials
Christopher I-Fu Li
Steven Roncaioli |
Management of GNR bacteremia in HCT: shifting patterns for outpatient antibiotic therapy in the modern era
Amanda Phipps
Divya Patil |
The Association Between Maternal Work Precarity and Infant Low Birth Weight in a Nationally Representative Cohort of Women in the United States
Anjum Hajat
Kathleen O'Connell |
Risk of Delirium and Use of Regional Analgesia in Geriatric Trauma Patients with Multiple Rib Fractures
Noel Weiss
Amanda Mancenido |
Examining psychological distress across intersections of immigrant generational status, race, poverty, and gender
Anjum Hajat
Gillian Levine |
PhD |
Severe Infection and Mortality in Kenyan Newborns
Grace C. John-Stewart
Andrew Kwist |
Feeding practices among vulnerable newborns in Vietnam: a pre- and post-evaluation of integrating a human milk bank into newborn care services
Stephen E. Hawes
Tyler Ketterl |
MS |
Impact of Cancer, Cancer Directed Therapy and Its Lasting Effects on Employment and Finances in Young Adult Cancer Survivors
Amanda Phipps
Kristina Jordahl |
PhD |
Pre-Diagnostic Genome-Wide DNA Methylation in Blood and Risk of Bladder Cancer
Sebastian Jara |
The Association of Sleep Apnea and Cancer in Veterans
Amanda Phipps
Nicholas Graff |
The Effect of the Shikamana Peer-and-Provider Intervention on Depressive Symptoms, Alcohol Use, and Other Drug Use among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (GBMSM) in Kenya
Susan M. Graham
Katherine Garcia |
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illicit Drug Use as Risk Factors for Onward HIV Transmission Among Men Who Have Sex with Men & Transgender Women in Lima, Peru
Ann Duerr
Mary Chan |
Correlates of Virologic Failure Among Breastfeeding Postpartum Kenyan Women on Option B+
Anna Wald
Audrey Brezak |
Epidemiological Evaluation of Phylogenetic Clustering and Meeting Sexual Partners at Social Venues Among Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women in Lima, Peru
Ann Duerr
Julia Bond |
The association between sexual subjectivity and sexual health outcomes both negative and positive in a sample of women
Stephen E. Hawes
Kelsey Richardson |
MS |
The impact of chronic kidney disease on chronic school absenteeism
Noel Weiss
Andrea Radick |
MS |
Demographic Characteristics and Diagnostic Performance of Pathologists who Enjoy Interpreting Melanocytic Skin Lesions
Amanda Phipps
Christopher Phillips |
Headache after Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Walter A. Kukull
Irene Njuguna |
Financial incentives to increase pediatric HIV testing in Kenya: A pilot randomized clinical trial
Jennifer Slyker
Joseph Murphy |
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Diabetes Mellitus among newly-diagnosed HIV-infected South African Adults
Paul K. Drain
Kristina Mitchell |
MS |
Resolution of Sepsis-Associated Acute Kidney Injury: Association with Emergency Department Fluid Management Patterns
Noel Weiss
Yuan Zhou |
Outpatient Antibiotic Parenteral Therapy in Vulnerable Populations: People Who Inject Drugs and the Homeless
Anna Wald
Michael Young |
PhD |
Air Pollution, Change in Retinal Vascular Caliber, and Cellular Adhesion in the Multi-ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Joel D. Kaufman
Tsegaselassie Workalemahu |
PhD |
Genetic Variations and Risk of Placental Abruption
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Hannah Imlay |
MS |
Beta Lactam and Other Antibiotic Allergies in Solid Organ and Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients
Anna Wald
Robert Tessler |
Differences by Victim Race and Ethnicity in Race and Ethnicity Motivated Violent Bias Crimes: A National Study
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Spencer Hensley |
MS |
Outcomes of Wraparound Care Coordination for Youth with Complex Behavioral Health Needs
Rachel Silverman |
PhD |
Informing Strategies for Effective HIV Treatment and Prevention
Grace C. John-Stewart
Sarah Stansfield |
Worldwide HIV Virulence Evolution in Response to Changes in Prevalence and Treatment Coverage
Steven M. Goodreau
Maayan Simckes |
PhD |
Policing and population health: The relationship between militarization and lethal use of force
Anjum Hajat
Coralynn Sack |
Occupational Exposures and Subclinical Interstitial Lung Disease: The MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) Air–Lung Study
Joel D. Kaufman
Jamaica Robinson |
PhD |
Effects of individual and neighborhood socioeconomic status on outcomes following a colorectal cancer diagnosis
Polly A. Newcomb
Sabah Quraishi |
PhD |
Exposure to ambient air pollution and outcomes in women undergoing in vitro fertilization
Anjum Hajat
Erin Morgan |
MS |
Cholinesterase Inhibitors and Neuropathology of Cerebrovascular Disease and Other Dementias in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Study of NACC Autopsy and Medical History Data, 2005 – 2017
Walter A. Kukull
BreAnna Kinghorn |
MS |
Social Determinants of Asthma in American Indian Children
Mandy Fretts
Barbara Harding |
PhD |
Commonly used medications and survival from ovarian cancer
Noel Weiss
Elizabeth Hom |
PhD |
Association of air pollution with longitudinal changes in arterial stiffness and correlates of longitudinal change in arterial stiffness in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Joel D. Kaufman
Sharon Greene |
PhD |
A Randomized Controlled Trial for Treatment of High-Grade Cervical Lesions Among HIV-Infected Women in Kenya
Grace C. John-Stewart
Rachel L. Winer
Mackenzie Fuller |
The Impact of Hospital Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs on Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing
Gary M. Goldbaum
Samantha Rice |
Relationship power and partner support for family planning among postpartum adolescents in Kenya
Alison Drake
Sarah Leary |
MS |
Detection of protein targets associated with survival in malignant pediatric brain tumors
Beth A. Mueller
Jessica Williams-Nguyen |
PhD |
Role of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and host genetic variants in risk of myocardial infarction among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Joseph (Chris) Delaney
Laura Spece |
MS |
Unnecessary inhaled corticosteroids in COPD: understanding patient and health system complexity as contributors
Nicholas L. Smith
Emily Scott |
Molecular epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus illness in children and adults in Seattle, WA over five seasons
Anna Wald
Michelle Passater |
Predictability of West Nile virus based on climate variables in Washington State
Anne Emanuels |
Respiratory Viral Coinfection in a Birth Cohort of Infants in Rural Nepal
Helen Y. Chu
Alfred Osoti |
PhD |
Metabolic syndrome following hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and among HIV infected adults: understanding cardiovascular disease risk
Carey Farquhar
Kathryn Peebles |
PhD |
Contraception and HIV-1 prevention among women in Africa: informing choices amid expanding options
Ruanne Barnabas
Peter Leary |
PhD |
Inflammation and right ventricular structure and function in health and disease
Noel Weiss
Luwam Kidane |
MS |
Elevated vaginal pH levels and HPV among Senegalese women
Stephen E. Hawes
Emmanuel Rodriguez |
Differences by Latino and White MSM in HIV-Related Stigma in Seattle, WA
Jennifer Balkus, PhD, MPH
Emma Gause |
MS |
Trajectories of Suicide Mortality in US Counties from 2000-2017 and the Influence of Selective Migration
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Deborah Foster |
Dietary Sources of Melamine Exposure Among Participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2003-2004)
Mandy Fretts
Darcy Rao |
PhD |
Mathematical modeling to inform implementation of HIV prevention programs in the United States
Matthew Golden
Akilina Douthat |
Health Conditions of Particular Concern to Maternal Child Health Populations in Post-Invasion Iraq: A Comparison Between Data Sources
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Vivian Lyons |
PhD |
Following a Firearm Injury: Recidivism and Behavior Change
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Emily Deichsel |
PhD |
Early childhood diarrhea and growth among HIV-exposed, uninfected infants in Kenya
Grace C. John-Stewart
Jade Pagkas-Bather |
What’s PrEP?: Examining Factors Associated with PrEP Peer Navigator Acceptability among Black and Latinx MSM in Western Washington
Susan M. Graham
Aaron Bochner |
PhD |
Evaluating risk factors and synergistic effects of two common HIV-1 coinfections: schistosomiasis and trichomoniasis
Ruanne Barnabas
Miranda Delawalla |
A Concurrent and Longitudinal Analysis of Teacher Support, Stressful Life Events, and Depressive Symptoms in Early Adolescence
Lauren White |
The role of individual and community level social and cultural connectedness in modifying the effect of childhood adversity on anxiety and depression in American Indian college students
Soyeon Lippman |
MS |
Effects of Washington’s opioid prescribing rules for chronic, non-cancer pain management on opioid overdose mortality and pharmaceutical opioid distribution: 1999-2017
Patrick Owiti |
Assessment of Repeat HIV Testing and Utilization of HIV Self-Testing to Increase Repeat Testing Amongst Pregnant and Postpartum Women in Kisumu County, Kenya
Jared Baeten
Jessica Culhane |
MS |
Plasma Amyloid, Inflammatory Markers, and Risk of Dementia in the Ginkgo Evaluation of Memory Study
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Paige Wartko |
PhD |
Antidepressant medication continuation during pregnancy and perinatal outcomes, including gestational weight gain, gestational diabetes, and birth weight
Sascha Dublin
Caislin Firth |
PhD |
Unexpected consequences of cannabis legalization on youth
Anjum Hajat
Irene Njuguna |
PhD |
From pediatric to adolescent HIV: mortality, viral suppression and transition to adult care
Grace C. John-Stewart
Laura Chambers |
PhD |
Urethral sexual exposures: relationship with prevalent nongonococcal urethritis, the urethral microbiota, and resolution of symptoms
Lisa E. Manhart
Michael Truong |
Impact of mental health on HIV-related outcomes in a South African township
Paul K. Drain
Maria Pyra |
PhD |
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) adherence among East African women
Jared Baeten
Kennedy Muni |
PhD |
Effect of road safety-conscious motorcycle taxi programs on riding behaviors and risk of road traffic crash among motorcycle taxi drivers in Kampala, Uganda
Brandon Guthrie
Monalisa Penumetsa |
Prevalence and correlates of repeat testing during pregnancy and postpartum in rural Kenya
Alison Drake
Eliza Blanchette |
MS |
Eplet mismatches and de novo donor-specific antibody development in pediatric kidney transplant recipients
Noel Weiss
Irene Mukui |
Antiretroviral medication prescription errors and associated factors among HIV infected children in selected health facilities in Nairobi, Kenya
Carey Farquhar
Arianna Miles-Jay |
PhD |
Molecular epidemiology of the multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli sequence type 131-H30 lineage among U.S. Children
Janet Baseman
Ezekiel Maloney |
MS |
Non-inferiority of a non-contrast MRI follow up protocol for isolated optic pathway gliomas
Amanda Phipps
Abbie Bauer |
MS |
Risk Factors for Severe Acute Kidney Injury after Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Stephen Marc Schwartz
Stephanie Liu |
Trait vs. trajectory: Conceptualizations of resilience after mild traumatic brain injury
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Audrey Hu |
Can passive smoking explain the higher radiation-related excess relative risk of lung cancer for women compared to men among atomic bomb survivors
Amanda Phipps
Shiow-Wen Yang |
PhD |
Effects of Parental Mental Illness on Common Child Health Outcomes
Benjamin Fu |
PhD |
The human gut microbiome: methodological issues in characterization and role in trimethylamine N-oxide formation
Johanna W. Lampe
Ronit Dalmat |
Utility of next-generation sequencing for HIV antiretroviral resistance genotyping in a pragmatic clinical laboratory setting
Anna Wald
Alexandra Akhunova |
Pregnancy outcomes among women with epilepsy in Washington State, 1987-2012
Beth A. Mueller
Erika Feutz |
Postmortem Intestinal Sampling in Malawi
Grace C. John-Stewart
Hang Yin |
MS |
Genetic variation in telomere maintenance genes and survival after colorectal cancer diagnosis
Polly A. Newcomb
Gabriella Veytsel |
Spatio-Temporal Trends of Typhoid Fever Incidence in Kibera (2007-2015)
Grace C. John-Stewart
Francys Verdial Argueta |
Body Mass Index and Risks of Recurrence and Mortality by Breast Cancer Subtype
Christopher I-Fu Li
Shiow-Wen Yang |
PhD |
Effects of Parental Mental Illness on Common Child Health Outcomes
Diana Tordoff |
Sex Misclassification in the BRFSS and its Implications for Assessing Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Reproductive Health: A Quantitative Bias Analysis
Anjum Hajat
Jill Steiner |
MS |
Hospital Resource Utilization and Presence of Advance Directives at the End of Life for Adults with Congenital Heart Disease
Susan R. Heckbert
Ang Li |
MS |
Transplant-Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy (TA-TMA) is a Multifactorial Disease Unresponsive to Immunosuppressant Withdrawal
Noel Weiss
Naomi Schwartz |
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI), H2 Blocker Use, and Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Children
Joseph (Chris) Delaney
Maria Corcorran |
Awareness of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Predictors of Interest in PrEP Among HIV-negative Persons Who Inject Drugs in Seattle, Washington
Anna Wald
Lauren Schwartz |
PhD |
Rotavirus vaccines in low-income settings
Elizabeth Halloran
Jessica Long |
PhD |
Investigating the sexual partnerships of transgender women in Lima, Peru to improve targeted HIV interventions
Ann Duerr
Tigran Avoundjian |
PhD |
Integrating data systems to improve HIV care engagement in King County, WA
Julia Dombrowski
Robert Lee |
MS |
POLST-Discordant Intensive Care Near the End of Life: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Noel Weiss
Bridget Whitney |
PhD |
The Vaginal Microbiome: The Influence of Intramuscular Depot-medroxyprogesterone Acetate Initiation on Vaginal Microbiota and A Comparison of PCR Approaches for Use in Predicting HIV Acquisition
Brandon Guthrie
Lorraine Twohey-Jacobs |
MS |
Health care service utilization of individuals in permanent supportive housing in Seattle, WA accessing care through Public Health – Seattle and King County’s Health Care for the Homeless Network
Anjum Hajat
Jennifer Mark |
PhD |
Engaging Male Partners in Home-based Couple Education and Testing for Syphilis and HIV
Carey Farquhar
Esther Lam |
Receptiveness and Responsiveness of Using Social Media for Safe Firearm Storage Outreach in Washington State: A Mixed-Methods Study
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Madhura Suhas Rane |
PhD |
Investigation of Pertussis Resurgence in King County, Washington
Elizabeth Halloran
Paneen Petersen |
PhD |
Diet, inflammation, and genetic predictors of tissue-specific gene expression: A functionally-informed gene-environment interaction analysis for risk of colorectal cancer.
Ulrike Peters
Catherine Troja |
Serum Concentrations of Novel Vitamin D Biomarkers and Detection of Prevalent High-Risk HPV Infection
Rachel L. Winer
Nicole Lorona |
MS |
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Risk of Breast Cancer Mortality by Molecular Subtype and Stage at Diagnosis
Christopher I-Fu Li
Catherine Knott |
Longitudinal Association between Greenspace and Type 2 Diabetes: Evidence from MESA
Anjum Hajat
Ruchi Tiwari |
A Retrospective Cohort Study of Race and Ethnicity, Pre-pregnancy Weight, and Pregnancy Complications
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Natasha Wenzel |
PhD |
Assessing Optimal Intervention Targets for Respiratory Infections in Structured Populations
Elizabeth Halloran
Yu Ni |
PhD |
Assessing the Individual and Interactive Associations of Pre- and Postnatal Air Pollution Exposures and Maternal Nutrition During Pregnancy with Child Blood Pressure: A Prospective Study in a Community-based Birth Cohort
Catherine Karr
Feng Su |
MS |
Hepatocellular carcinoma screening reduces cancer-related mortality in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection: a case-control study
Noel Weiss
Yan Chen |
PhD |
Proximal tubular secretion, cardiovascular events, and kidney clearance of medications
Bryan R. Kestenbaum
Mark Tenforde |
PhD |
The Epidemiology, Outcomes, and Prevention of HIV-associated Meningitis in Southern Africa
Carey Farquhar
Elizabeth Killien |
Risk factors for health-related quality of life deterioration following pediatric critical illness
Noel Weiss
Jennifer Velloza |
PhD |
Depression and HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis use among sub-Saharan African Women
Renee Heffron
Margaret Mburu |
Early diagnosis in infants born to HIV-positive adolescent compared to adult mothers in Kisumu, Kenya
Carey Farquhar
Jorge Soledad |
Use of Bevacizumab for Newly Diagnosed Ovarian Cancer: A National Analysis
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Anna Unutzer |
Evaluation of text message reminders to encourage re-testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea among female patients at the municipal STD Clinic in Seattle, WA
Christine M. Khosropour
Anne Massey |
Lethal Means Assessment in Psychiatric Emergency Services: Frequency and Characteristics of Assessment
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Erin Morgan |
PhD |
Perpetration of Interpersonal Violence, Incarceration, and Subsequent Risk for Firearm Suicide
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Colin Malone |
PhD |
Reaching underscreened women: correlates of cervical cancer underscreening, reactions to mailed HPV self-sampling kits, and cost-effectiveness of HPV self-sampling programs
Rachel L. Winer
Thomas Keller |
MS |
Association of Guideline-recommended COPD Inhaler Regimens with Respiratory Exacerbations, Exercise Performance, and Quality of Life
Noel Weiss
Yuekai Ji |
MS |
Genetic variation and natural anticoagulants
Nicholas L. Smith
Marla J Husnik |
PhD |
Understanding Adherence to and HIV-1 Protection from a Microbicidal Vaginal Ring
Jared Baeten
Xinwei Hua |
PhD |
Inflammatory Biomarkers, Genetics, and Survival among Colorectal Cancer Patients
Polly A. Newcomb
Soyeon Lippman |
MS |
Effects of Washington’s Opioid Prescribing Rules for Chronic, Non-Cancer Pain Management on Opioid Overdose Mortality and Pharmaceutical Opioid Distribution: 1999-2017
Noel Weiss
Chase Cannon |
Variation in Syphilis Among Men who Have Sex with Men and Women in the United States and Association with Syphilis in Women
Matthew Golden
Thomas Austin |
PhD |
Long-Term Air Pollution in Relation to Cardiac Structure, Function, and Supraventricular Arrhythmias
Susan R. Heckbert
Eliza Blanchette |
MS |
Eplet mismatches and de novo donor-specific antibody development in pediatric kidney transplant recipients
Noel Weiss
Jade Pagkas-Bather |
What’s PrEP?: Examining Factors Associated with PrEP Peer Navigator Acceptability among Black and Latinx MSM in Western Washington
Susan M. Graham