
Trevor Bedford

Affiliate Professor, Epidemiology
Affiliate Professor, Genome Sciences


PhD Biology, Harvard University, 2008
BA Biological Sciences, University of Chicago, 2002


Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Box M2-C200
Arnold Building Room M1-B861
1100 Fairview Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109


Trevor Bedford is an Assistant Member at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center affiliated with the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division and with the Computational Biology Program.

Research Interests

Dr. Bedford works at the interface of evolution, epidemiology and immunology. His research applies computational and statistical methods to understand viral dynamics. He is interested in using pathogen sequence data to make detailed inferences of pathogen transmission patterns. Previous research has focused on understanding antigenic drift in influenza virus, geographic spread of Ebola and within-host evolution of HIV.

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Age-dependent heterogeneity in the antigenic effects of mutations to influenza hemagglutinin.
(2024 Jul 16)
Cell Host Microbe
Welsh FC, Eguia RT, Lee JM, Haddox HK, Galloway J, Van Vinh Chau N, Loes AN, Huddleston J, Yu TC, Quynh Le M, Nhat NTD, Thi Le Thanh N, Greninger AL, Chu HY, Englund JA, Bedford T, Matsen FA 4th, Boni MF, Bloom JD

Spike deep mutational scanning helps predict success of SARS-CoV-2 clades.
(2024 Jul)
Nature 631(8021): 617-626
Dadonaite B, Brown J, McMahon TE, Farrell AG, Figgins MD, Asarnow D, Stewart C, Lee J, Logue J, Bedford T, Murrell B, Chu HY, Veesler D, Bloom JD

Fine-scale spatial and social patterns of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from identical pathogen sequences.
(2024 May 25)
Tran-Kiem C, Paredes MI, Perofsky AC, Frisbie LA, Xie H, Kong K, Weixler A, Greninger AL, Roychoudhury P, Peterson JM, Delgado A, Halstead H, MacKellar D, Dykema P, Gamboa L, Frazar CD, Ryke E, Stone J, Reinhart D, Starita L, Thibodeau A, Yun C, Aragona F, Black A, Viboud C, Bedford T

Impacts of human mobility on the citywide transmission dynamics of 18 respiratory viruses in pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic years.
(2024 May 16)
Nat Commun 15(1): 4164
Perofsky AC, Hansen CL, Burstein R, Boyle S, Prentice R, Marshall C, Reinhart D, Capodanno B, Truong M, Schwabe-Fry K, Kuchta K, Pfau B, Acker Z, Lee J, Sibley TR, McDermot E, Rodriguez-Salas L, Stone J, Gamboa L, Han PD, Adler A, Waghmare A, Jackson ML, Famulare M, Shendure J, Bedford T, Chu HY, Englund JA, Starita LM, Viboud C

Positive selection underlies repeated knockout of ORF8 in SARS-CoV-2 evolution.
(2024 Apr 13)
Nat Commun 15(1): 3207
Wagner C, Kistler KE, Perchetti GA, Baker N, Frisbie LA, Torres LM, Aragona F, Yun C, Figgins M, Greninger AL, Cox A, Oltean HN, Roychoudhury P, Bedford T

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