
Alison Fohner

Assistant Professor, Epidemiology


PhD Public Health Genetics, University of Washington, 2015
MS Biology, Stanford University, 2008


Box 357236
Department of Epidemiology
Hans Rosling Center for Population Health, 874B
Seattle, WA 98195


Dr. Fohner is a genetic epidemiologist applying innovative big data methods to extensive electronic health record, population-based longitudinal cohort, and multi-omic data to improve precision medicine. She approaches genetic epidemiology through an ELSI (ethical, legal, social implications) lens, and aims to promote equity and justice in the benefit of and access to genetic information in health settings. She prioritizes interdisciplinary collaborations and is a member of the Cardiovascular Health Research Unit at UW, where she integrates genomics and proteomics to identify early biomarkers for cognitive decline and dementia. She is an Associate Director of the Institute for Public Health Genetics, an interdisciplinary program in the School of Public Health that explores the application of genomics in public health, and is an adjunct investigator at Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research. 

Research Interests

Dr. Fohner is a genetic epidemiologist applying innovative big data methods to extensive electronic health record and genomic data to improve precision medicine. She approaches genetic epidemiology through an ELSI (ethical, legal, social implications) lens, and aims to promote equity and justice in the benefit of and access to genetic information in health settings. She teaches in the Institute of Public Health Genetics, an interdisciplinary program in the School of Public Health that explores the application of genomics in public health, and is an adjunct investigator at Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research.

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Conceptual frameworks for the integration of genetic and social epidemiology in complex diseases.
(2024 Dec)
Glob Epidemiol 8(): 100156
Xue D, Hajat A, Fohner AE

The power of representation: Statistical analysis of diversity in US Alzheimer's disease genetics data.
(2024 Jan-Mar)
Alzheimers Dement (N Y) 10(1): e12462
Xue D, Blue EE, Conomos MP, Fohner AE

Association of Plasma YKL-40 With MRI, CSF, and Cognitive Markers of Brain Health and Dementia.
(2024 Feb 27)
Neurology 102(4): e208075
Pase MP, Himali JJ, Puerta R, Beiser AS, Gonzales MM, Satizabal CL, Yang Q, Aparicio HJ, Kojis DJ, Decarli CS, Lopez OL, Longstreth W, Gudnason V, Mosley TH, Bis JC, Fohner A, Psaty BM, Boada M, García-González P, Valero S, Marquié M, Tracy R, Launer LJ, Ruiz A, Fornage M, Seshadri S

Development and External Validation of Models to Predict Persistent Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure for Clinical Trial Enrichment.
(2024 May 1)
Crit Care Med 52(5): 764-774
Sathe NA, Zelnick LR, Morrell ED, Bhatraju PK, Kerchberger VE, Hough CL, Ware LB, Fohner AE, Wurfel MM

The Association of Upper Airway Anatomy with Brain Structure: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.
(2024 Jun)
Brain Imaging Behav 18(3): 510-518
Nance RM, Fohner AE, McClelland RL, Redline S, Nick Bryan R, Desiderio L, Habes M, Longstreth WT Jr, Schwab RJ, Wiemken AS, Heckbert SR

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