
Kathleen E Malone

Research Professor, Epidemiology



PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, 1993
MPH Epidemiology, Yale University, 1984
BSW Social Work, Temple University, 1978



Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Box 358080 M4-C308
Division of Public Health Sciences
1100 Fairview Ave N, Arnold Building
PO Box 19024, Mailstop: M4-C308
Seattle, WA 98109


Dr. Malone is also the Head of the Program in Epidemiology at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington.

Research Areas

Research Interests

My research focuses on breast cancer and involves three emphasis areas: etiology, genetics, and outcomes after breast cancer. Cancer survivorship has become a major focus and in this regard, I have conducted several population-based studies of the personal, lifestyle, medical, and tumor-based determinants of breast cancer recurrence and mortality. I have also led/co-led studies of second primary breast cancer in relation to treatment for the first primary, germline genetics and mammographic density. Currently, I am leading a new study of the molecular features of first and second primary breast cancers with dual foci on second primary risk prediction and the concordance of molecular features in paired tumors. We also have a current study examining risk factors for the four most common second primary cancers after breast cancer. Collectively, this research aims to develop tools for identifying those at high risk of adverse outcomes after breast cancer and to identify potential preventive strategies.

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Reply to "Critical analysis of Reiner et al.'s study on agreement of medical record abstraction and self-report of breast cancer treatment".
(2024 Sep 4)
Reiner AS, Knight JA, John EM, Lynch CF, Malone KE, Liang X, Woods M, Root JC, Bernstein JL

Agreement of medical record abstraction and self-report of breast cancer treatment with an extended recall window.
(2024 Jun 28)
Reiner AS, Knight JA, John EM, Lynch CF, Malone KE, Liang X, Woods M, Root JC, Bernstein JL

Statin use and risks of breast cancer recurrence and mortality.
(2024 Sep 15)
Cancer 130(18): 3106-3114
Guo H, Malone KE, Heckbert SR, Li CI

A genome-wide association study of contralateral breast cancer in the Women's Environmental Cancer and Radiation Epidemiology Study.
(2024 Jan 23)
Breast Cancer Res 26(1): 16
Sun X, Reiner AS, Tran AP, Watt GP, Oh JH, Mellemkjær L, Lynch CF, Knight JA, John EM, Malone KE, Liang X, Woods M, Derkach A, Concannon P, Bernstein JL, Shu X

Alcohol, Smoking, and Risks of Breast Cancer Recurrence and Mortality among Women with Luminal, Triple-Negative, and HER2-Overexpressing Breast Cancer.
(2024 Feb 6)
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 33(2): 288-297
Loroña NC, Othus M, Malone KE, Linden HM, Tang MC, Li CI

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