
M. Elizabeth Halloran

Professor, Epidemiology
Professor, Biostatistics
Adjunct Professor, Applied Mathematics


BS General Science, University of Oregon, 1972
MD Medicine, Freie University of Berlin (Germany), 1983
MPH Tropical Public Health, Harvard University, 1985
DSc Population Sciences, Harvard University, 1989


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Research Interests

Developing novel designs, methods of statistical analysis, and interpretation of vaccine field studies and other interventions; causal inference

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Hypothesis testing and sample size considerations for the test-negative design.
(2024 Jul 16)
BMC Med Res Methodol 24(1): 151
Huo Y, Yang Y, Halloran ME, Longini IM Jr, Dean NE

Adult Development and Associated Health Risks.
(2024 Spring)
J Patient Cent Res Rev 11(1): 63-67
Halloran EC

Estimating Causal Effects of HIV Prevention Interventions with Interference in Network-based Studies among People Who Inject Drugs.
(2023 Sep)
Ann Appl Stat 17(3): 2165-2191
Lee T, Buchanan AL, Katenka NV, Forastiere L, Halloran ME, Friedman SR, Nikolopoulos G

Hypothesis testing and sample size considerations for the test-negative design.
(2023 Dec 28)
Res Sq
Huo Y, Yang Y, Halloran ME, Longini IM Jr, Dean NE

Propensity Score in the Face of Interference: Discussion of.
Obs Stud 9(1): 125-131
Zhang B, Hudgens MG, Halloran ME

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