Ashley Tseng |
PhD |
State-of-the-ART Care: Revolutionizing Medication Delivery in Rural Settings with a Person-Centered Care Approach
Ruanne Barnabas
Taylor Riley |
PhD |
Reproductive health impacts of structural gendered racism: moving from measurement to action
Anjum Hajat
Erin Chung |
MS |
The Epidemiology and Causes of Global and Regional Sepsis Mortality in Children Under Five, 1990-2021: A Systematic Analysis
Jeffrey Stanaway
Celia Gorbman |
Exploring the Relationship Between Sunscreen Use and Screen Time in American High School Students
Stephen Marc Schwartz
Shivani Paudel |
Investigating the Association between Maternal Precarious Employment and Childhood Asthma Exacerbation
Anjum Hajat
Tess LaPatra |
Association between extreme heat exposure and Seattle, Washington pediatric hospital services, 2006 to 2023
Joel D. Kaufman
Angel Cheung |
Building Demolitions and Police-reported Crime in Philadelphia, 2013-2023
Steve J. Mooney
Zack Wettstein |
MS |
Emergency Department Utilization and Unplanned Hospitalizations Associated with Floods in the US from 2008-2017: An Interrupted Time Series and Cohort Analysis
Joel D. Kaufman
Leah Neff Warner |
PhD |
Beverage consumption and perceived healthfulness among parents, and investigation of spillover effects: Insights from the Seattle Sweetened Beverage Tax
Boya Guo |
PhD |
Pathogenic Variant Status of High-Risk Genes, Polygenic, Epidemiological Risk Factors, and Utilization of Risk Management Options in Breast Cancer
Sara Lindstroem
Sarah Cox |
PhD |
Health and economic impact of COVID-19, surveillance, and vaccination among people experiencing homelessness in Seattle-King County, Washington
Helen Y. Chu
Michael Hussey |
PhD |
Associations of Maternal Exposure and Characteristics with Placental Transcription Regulation and Consequences on Fetal Growth
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Danae Black |
PhD |
Tuberculosis Risk and Prevention: Findings from Domestic and Global Cohorts
Grace C. John-Stewart
Cao Fang |
Gender minority stress and depressive symptoms among transfeminine and gender non-conforming individuals in China: mediating and moderating roles of coping
Arjee Restar
Aaron Davis |
Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms Among Children Exposed to Parental Incarceration in the 2019 and 2021 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
Mienah Sharif
Mary A. Kernic
Magali Sanchez |
Association of Neighborhood Disadvantage and COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccine Uptake and Positivity Among Kaiser Permanente Washington Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Subjects, 2018 – 2022
Karen Wernli
Sandra Mata-Diaz |
Mental Health Care Utilization in Latinx Young Adults Who Grew Up in Rural or Small-Town U.S. Communities by Racial/Ethnic Immigrant Generational Status
Isaac Rhew
Mary Jewell |
MS |
Association Between Isolation Source, Clonal Composition, and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Escherichia coli Samples Collected in Washington State
Stephen E. Hawes
Sonya Jampel |
Tiny but Mighty: Association between fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and infant mortality in a North Carolina Birth Cohort (2003-2015)
Joel D. Kaufman
Muna Hassan |
Workplace Suicides Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2013-2020
Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Saurya Dhungel |
Association of Patient Characteristics with Risk of Rheumatic Heart Disease in First-Degree Relatives of Index Cases in Nepal
Nona Sotoodehnia
Mary Casagrande |
Association between environmental modifiable risk score and molecular subtypes in colorectal cancer patients
Ulrike Peters
Samantha Banks |
MS |
Associations between green space and depressive symptoms in young adults: a longitudinal study
Anjum Hajat
Logan Dearborn |
Role of air pollution in development of asthma among children with a history of bronchiolitis in infancy
Catherine Karr
Eli Davis |
Neighborhood cultural environment and anxiety and depression symptoms among majority Mexican American adults: Results from the HCHS/SOL
Steve J. Mooney
Boeun Kim |
Associations of Air Pollution and Gait Speed in Older Adults
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Gabriella LaBazzo |
Assessing Climate Driven West Nile Virus Risk in Washington State
Christine M. Khosropour
Marnie Hazlehurst |
PhD |
Residential green space and behavioral and mental health outcomes in early childhood
Catherine Karr
Jennifer Zengjing Liu |
Prenatal Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution, Gestational Weight Gain, and Offspring Birth Weight
Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Jerzy Eisenberg-Guyot |
PhD |
Does the union make us strong? Labor unions, health, and health inequities in the United States
Anjum Hajat
James Buszkiewicz |
PhD |
The influence of state minimum wage increases on health and behavior
Adam Drewnowski
Tri Nhan Dai Le |
Sociodemographic, behavioral, and neighborhood-environment predictors of diabetes prevalence across Asian American ethnicities: Analyses of CHIS (2013-2015).
Anjum Hajat
Lindsay Horn |
Precipitation Associated with Increased Diarrheal Disease in Mozambique; A Time Series Analysis
Anjum Hajat
Marnie Hazlehurst |
MS |
Air pollution exposure and novel biomarkers of inflammation and cardiac stress in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air)
Joel D. Kaufman
Rebecca Brander |
Host and environmental correlates of multi-drug resistance in Kenyan children with acute bacterial diarrhea
Grace C. John-Stewart
Leora R. Feldstein |
PhD |
The 2014 chikungunya virus outbreak in the U.S. Virgin Islands: epidemiology, long-term health outcomes, and economic burden
Elizabeth Halloran
Gloria C. Chi |
PhD |
Methylomic and Transcriptomic Insights Linking Air Pollution and Atherosclerosis
Joel D. Kaufman
Jillian Neary |
Role of Support Persons in Adolescent and Young Adult Voluntary HIV Testing and Counseling in Kenya
Jennifer Slyker
Monisha Sharma |
PhD |
Evaluating the efficiency of community-based HIV testing and counseling strategies to decrease HIV burden in sub-Saharan Africa
Ruanne Barnabas
Chelsie Porter |
Socioeconomic Status and Health Behavior in Nepal
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Roxanne P. Kerani
Sanju Bhattarai |
Influence of household remittance on childhood stunting in Nepal
Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Griffith Bell |
PhD |
Air Pollution and High Density Lipoprotein Structure and Function
Joel D. Kaufman
Xiao Zhang |
Ambient ozone pollution and daily mortality in three megacities in China
Joel D. Kaufman
Amy Rice |
The Association of Maternal Occupations and Deliveries by Cesarean Section for Infants Born in Washington, 2011 to 2013
Joel D. Kaufman
Gillian Tarr |
PhD |
Escherichia coli O157:H7 Phylogenetics: Implications for Virulence and Disease Distribution
Amanda Phipps
Megan Suter |
MS |
Implications of combined exposure to household air pollution and HIV on neurodevelopment in Kenyan children
Grace C. John-Stewart
Michael Young |
PhD |
Air Pollution, Change in Retinal Vascular Caliber, and Cellular Adhesion in the Multi-ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Joel D. Kaufman
Coralynn Sack |
Occupational Exposures and Subclinical Interstitial Lung Disease: The MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) Air–Lung Study
Joel D. Kaufman
Jamaica Robinson |
PhD |
Effects of individual and neighborhood socioeconomic status on outcomes following a colorectal cancer diagnosis
Polly A. Newcomb
Sabah Quraishi |
PhD |
Exposure to ambient air pollution and outcomes in women undergoing in vitro fertilization
Anjum Hajat
Elizabeth Hom |
PhD |
Association of air pollution with longitudinal changes in arterial stiffness and correlates of longitudinal change in arterial stiffness in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Joel D. Kaufman
Samantha Rice |
Relationship power and partner support for family planning among postpartum adolescents in Kenya
Alison Drake
Emily Scott |
Molecular epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus illness in children and adults in Seattle, WA over five seasons
Anna Wald
Michelle Passater |
Predictability of West Nile virus based on climate variables in Washington State
Laura Chambers |
PhD |
Urethral sexual exposures: relationship with prevalent nongonococcal urethritis, the urethral microbiota, and resolution of symptoms
Lisa E. Manhart
Kennedy Muni |
PhD |
Effect of road safety-conscious motorcycle taxi programs on riding behaviors and risk of road traffic crash among motorcycle taxi drivers in Kampala, Uganda
Brandon Guthrie
Lorraine Twohey-Jacobs |
MS |
Health care service utilization of individuals in permanent supportive housing in Seattle, WA accessing care through Public Health – Seattle and King County’s Health Care for the Homeless Network
Anjum Hajat
Yu Ni |
PhD |
Assessing the Individual and Interactive Associations of Pre- and Postnatal Air Pollution Exposures and Maternal Nutrition During Pregnancy with Child Blood Pressure: A Prospective Study in a Community-based Birth Cohort
Catherine Karr
Thomas Austin |
PhD |
Long-Term Air Pollution in Relation to Cardiac Structure, Function, and Supraventricular Arrhythmias
Susan R. Heckbert