
Theses & Dissertations

Graduate Degree Title Advisor
Ashley Tseng PhD State-of-the-ART Care: Revolutionizing Medication Delivery in Rural Settings with a Person-Centered Care Approach Ruanne Barnabas
Taylor Riley PhD Reproductive health impacts of structural gendered racism: moving from measurement to action Anjum Hajat
Erin Chung MS The Epidemiology and Causes of Global and Regional Sepsis Mortality in Children Under Five, 1990-2021: A Systematic Analysis Jeffrey Stanaway
Celia Gorbman MPH Exploring the Relationship Between Sunscreen Use and Screen Time in American High School Students Stephen Marc Schwartz
Shivani Paudel MPH Investigating the Association between Maternal Precarious Employment and Childhood Asthma Exacerbation Anjum Hajat
Tess LaPatra MPH Association between extreme heat exposure and Seattle, Washington pediatric hospital services, 2006 to 2023 Joel D. Kaufman
Angel Cheung MPH Building Demolitions and Police-reported Crime in Philadelphia, 2013-2023 Steve J. Mooney
Zack Wettstein MS Emergency Department Utilization and Unplanned Hospitalizations Associated with Floods in the US from 2008-2017: An Interrupted Time Series and Cohort Analysis Joel D. Kaufman
Leah Neff Warner PhD Beverage consumption and perceived healthfulness among parents, and investigation of spillover effects: Insights from the Seattle Sweetened Beverage Tax
Boya Guo PhD Pathogenic Variant Status of High-Risk Genes, Polygenic, Epidemiological Risk Factors, and Utilization of Risk Management Options in Breast Cancer Sara Lindstroem
Sarah Cox PhD Health and economic impact of COVID-19, surveillance, and vaccination among people experiencing homelessness in Seattle-King County, Washington Helen Y. Chu
Michael Hussey PhD Associations of Maternal Exposure and Characteristics with Placental Transcription Regulation and Consequences on Fetal Growth Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Danae Black PhD Tuberculosis Risk and Prevention: Findings from Domestic and Global Cohorts Grace C. John-Stewart
Cao Fang MPH Gender minority stress and depressive symptoms among transfeminine and gender non-conforming individuals in China: mediating and moderating roles of coping Arjee Restar
Aaron Davis MPH Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms Among Children Exposed to Parental Incarceration in the 2019 and 2021 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Mienah Sharif Mary A. Kernic
Magali Sanchez MPH Association of Neighborhood Disadvantage and COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccine Uptake and Positivity Among Kaiser Permanente Washington Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Subjects, 2018 – 2022 Karen Wernli
Sandra Mata-Diaz MPH Mental Health Care Utilization in Latinx Young Adults Who Grew Up in Rural or Small-Town U.S. Communities by Racial/Ethnic Immigrant Generational Status Isaac Rhew
Mary Jewell MS Association Between Isolation Source, Clonal Composition, and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Escherichia coli Samples Collected in Washington State Stephen E. Hawes
Sonya Jampel MPH Tiny but Mighty: Association between fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and infant mortality in a North Carolina Birth Cohort (2003-2015) Joel D. Kaufman
Muna Hassan MPH Workplace Suicides Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2013-2020 Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Saurya Dhungel MPH Association of Patient Characteristics with Risk of Rheumatic Heart Disease in First-Degree Relatives of Index Cases in Nepal Nona Sotoodehnia
Mary Casagrande MPH Association between environmental modifiable risk score and molecular subtypes in colorectal cancer patients Ulrike Peters
Samantha Banks MS Associations between green space and depressive symptoms in young adults: a longitudinal study Anjum Hajat
Logan Dearborn MPH Role of air pollution in development of asthma among children with a history of bronchiolitis in infancy Catherine Karr
Eli Davis MPH Neighborhood cultural environment and anxiety and depression symptoms among majority Mexican American adults: Results from the HCHS/SOL Steve J. Mooney
Boeun Kim MPH Associations of Air Pollution and Gait Speed in Older Adults Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Gabriella LaBazzo MPH Assessing Climate Driven West Nile Virus Risk in Washington State Christine M. Khosropour
Marnie Hazlehurst PhD Residential green space and behavioral and mental health outcomes in early childhood Catherine Karr
Jennifer Zengjing Liu MPH Prenatal Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution, Gestational Weight Gain, and Offspring Birth Weight Daniel A. Enquobahrie
Jerzy Eisenberg-Guyot PhD Does the union make us strong? Labor unions, health, and health inequities in the United States Anjum Hajat
James Buszkiewicz PhD The influence of state minimum wage increases on health and behavior Adam Drewnowski
Tri Nhan Dai Le MPH Sociodemographic, behavioral, and neighborhood-environment predictors of diabetes prevalence across Asian American ethnicities: Analyses of CHIS (2013-2015). Anjum Hajat
Lindsay Horn MPH Precipitation Associated with Increased Diarrheal Disease in Mozambique; A Time Series Analysis Anjum Hajat
Marnie Hazlehurst MS Air pollution exposure and novel biomarkers of inflammation and cardiac stress in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air) Joel D. Kaufman
Rebecca Brander MPH Host and environmental correlates of multi-drug resistance in Kenyan children with acute bacterial diarrhea Grace C. John-Stewart
Leora R. Feldstein PhD The 2014 chikungunya virus outbreak in the U.S. Virgin Islands: epidemiology, long-term health outcomes, and economic burden Elizabeth Halloran
Gloria C. Chi PhD Methylomic and Transcriptomic Insights Linking Air Pollution and Atherosclerosis Joel D. Kaufman
Jillian Neary MPH Role of Support Persons in Adolescent and Young Adult Voluntary HIV Testing and Counseling in Kenya Jennifer Slyker
Monisha Sharma PhD Evaluating the efficiency of community-based HIV testing and counseling strategies to decrease HIV burden in sub-Saharan Africa Ruanne Barnabas
Chelsie Porter MPH Socioeconomic Status and Health Behavior in Nepal Annette L. Fitzpatrick Roxanne P. Kerani
Sanju Bhattarai MPH Influence of household remittance on childhood stunting in Nepal Annette L. Fitzpatrick
Griffith Bell PhD Air Pollution and High Density Lipoprotein Structure and Function Joel D. Kaufman
Xiao Zhang MPH Ambient ozone pollution and daily mortality in three megacities in China Joel D. Kaufman
Amy Rice MPH The Association of Maternal Occupations and Deliveries by Cesarean Section for Infants Born in Washington, 2011 to 2013 Joel D. Kaufman
Gillian Tarr PhD Escherichia coli O157:H7 Phylogenetics: Implications for Virulence and Disease Distribution Amanda Phipps
Megan Suter MS Implications of combined exposure to household air pollution and HIV on neurodevelopment in Kenyan children Grace C. John-Stewart
Michael Young PhD Air Pollution, Change in Retinal Vascular Caliber, and Cellular Adhesion in the Multi-ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Joel D. Kaufman
Coralynn Sack MPH Occupational Exposures and Subclinical Interstitial Lung Disease: The MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) Air–Lung Study Joel D. Kaufman
Jamaica Robinson PhD Effects of individual and neighborhood socioeconomic status on outcomes following a colorectal cancer diagnosis Polly A. Newcomb
Sabah Quraishi PhD Exposure to ambient air pollution and outcomes in women undergoing in vitro fertilization Anjum Hajat
Elizabeth Hom PhD Association of air pollution with longitudinal changes in arterial stiffness and correlates of longitudinal change in arterial stiffness in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Joel D. Kaufman
Samantha Rice MPH Relationship power and partner support for family planning among postpartum adolescents in Kenya Alison Drake
Emily Scott MPH Molecular epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus illness in children and adults in Seattle, WA over five seasons Anna Wald
Michelle Passater MPH Predictability of West Nile virus based on climate variables in Washington State
Laura Chambers PhD Urethral sexual exposures: relationship with prevalent nongonococcal urethritis, the urethral microbiota, and resolution of symptoms Lisa E. Manhart
Kennedy Muni PhD Effect of road safety-conscious motorcycle taxi programs on riding behaviors and risk of road traffic crash among motorcycle taxi drivers in Kampala, Uganda Brandon Guthrie
Lorraine Twohey-Jacobs MS Health care service utilization of individuals in permanent supportive housing in Seattle, WA accessing care through Public Health – Seattle and King County’s Health Care for the Homeless Network Anjum Hajat
Yu Ni PhD Assessing the Individual and Interactive Associations of Pre- and Postnatal Air Pollution Exposures and Maternal Nutrition During Pregnancy with Child Blood Pressure: A Prospective Study in a Community-based Birth Cohort Catherine Karr
Thomas Austin PhD Long-Term Air Pollution in Relation to Cardiac Structure, Function, and Supraventricular Arrhythmias Susan R. Heckbert