
Leadership Team

Janet Baseman

Interim Chair


Professor and Interim Chair Janet Baseman is responsible to the Dean of the School of Public Health for the Epidemiology Department’s educational and administration affairs. The Interim Chair presides at meetings, provides leadership and mentoring of faculty, and formulates and implements the short- and long-term planning, strategy, decision-making and coordination of instruction within the department.

Amanda Phipps

Associate Chair


As Associate Chair, Amanda Phipps serves as Lead for KRA 2 (People) of the Epi Department Strategic Plan, manages the Epi faculty mentoring program, and is continuously developing documentation and process improvements for assistant-level faculty development to promote community and transparency.

Virni Caculitan

Executive Assistant

Virni provides administrative support to the Chair, Associate Chair, and Administrator, in addition to providing administrative support to Academic and Staff HR Teams as well as coordinating office management functions (space requests, access issues).

Stephen Schwartz

Graduate Program Director

Phone: 206.685.1799

Steve oversees the strategic and programmatic activities of Student Academic Services (SAS), directing and participating in current and prospective student advising, admissions, and recruitment. He also consults on the development of curriculum.

Sara Lindström

Research Director

Sara Lindström, reviews and distributes research opportunities to faculty and students, serves on the SPH Research Council, and leads Epi Strategic Plan Key Result Area-Research.

Jessie Seiler

EDI Faculty Co-Chair


Jessie Seiler works with the EDI Committee’s student and staff co-chairs in partnership with Department leadership to implement initiatives that support EDI values, to collect and review relevant data to track progress on achieving EDI goals and to develop and support policies that foster an engaging, supportive and equitable social, intellectual, and scholarly environment for all members of the Department’s community.

Brandon Guthrie

Education Director & Curriculum Chair
Brandon Guthrie, in tandem with the Department Chair, directs overall educational and curricular offerings. Brandon serves as lead to direct and facilitate consideration of new educational programs in the Department, directs Epi’s newly developed periodic refresh of courses taught in the Department, directs the oversight of educational components necessary for faculty promotions, coordinates and facilitates monthly Epi Curriculum Committee meetings, represents the Epidemiology Department on the School of Public Health’s Curriculum and Education Policy Committee (CEPC), and supports the Epidemiology Department Chair on other matters related curriculum, especially with regards to new course development and faculty recruitment.

DJ Miller



DJ directs administrative services and serves as the department’s business manager, providing oversight of expenditure and revenue forecasting, human resource and personnel matters, facility management planning, as well as serving as a member of the department Leadership Team evaluating operational needs and participating in comprehensive strategic planning initiatives.