Program Technology Requirements
You are required to have a laptop for use in your classes. If you will be purchasing one, the UW Book Store offers discounts to UW students for both computers and software.
Epi Info is available for free from the CDC (PC only; not available for Macs).
Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus subscription licenses are available at no charge to all UW students.
R is free software for statistical computing and graphics. Cran.r-project has also published an Intro R Manual for the latest version of R.
SAS is a comprehensive statistical software package available at no charge to all UW students (not UW licensed).
SPSS provides data and statistical analysis, file management capabilities, graphics and reporting features.
Stata is a data analysis and statistical software available at a reduced student rate.
Tableau is a visualization software available for free to students.
Numerous other software packages are available through UW’s UWare at reduced costs or sometimes no charge to all UW students.
As an alternative to uploading software directly to your laptop you can open a free online account at the Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology (CSDE) computing core and access the programs listed above, and many more, via remote desktop.