Epi Student Spaces
Hans Rosling Center (HRC)
Located on the eighth floor of the Hans Rosling Center for Population Health (HRC), the Department of Epidemiology offers students a place to study, eat, and mingle with each other. The floor provides student tables, chairs, couches, a rooftop deck, gender-neutral restrooms, wellness rooms, and a full kitchen with dedicated food storage space for students. There is also a Starbucks on the first floor of the building.
The Health Sciences Education Building is an additional space for students on the UW campus.
Building Access
Upon entering the building, scan your active Husky Card before pushing the eighth-floor elevator button on the black scanner (next to elevator buttons) in any of the HRC’s elevators to access the floor. A Husky Card is required for entry. Please visit the HRC Intranet for more information on building access and hours (UW NET ID required to access link).
Conference Rooms
Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants are allowed to book conference rooms 862, 872, and 897. If you would like to book a conference room, please email epispace@uw.edu and include the following details: name of the meeting, start and end time, reservation date, number of attendees, and room preference, if any. Find more information on booking convening spaces here.
Student Workstations
Communal desks, tables, whiteboards, and lounge areas are available throughout the HRC for student use. The Epidemiology Department currently has two drop-in dedicated student workstations for Epi students who do not already have a space assignment. Workstations are located on the HRC 8th floor (850-S and 850-T) and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
The HRC eighth floor has access to a full kitchen available for Epi students. There is a fridge, toaster oven, microwaves, dishwashers, and sinks. Epi students may use the large cabinet next to the TV display for non-perishable food storage, as needed. Fridge items that are not marked and labeled will be cleaned and removed every Friday. Any items, such as condiments, plastic utensils, etc. that are left from events will be labeled for community use.

DAWGS Print Stations
DAWGS Prints is provided by Creative Communications for students and community members to use their Husky Card and pay to print materials. Find more information on how to print on the UW campus here.
Wellness Rooms
Wellness Rooms 826 and 869E within the Epi departmental space are available exclusively for HRC occupants for those who need a moment of peace or privacy. The purpose of Wellness Rooms is to provide a quiet area for lactation, and/or for building occupants to mentally or physically recharge. Wellness Rooms may not be used for meetings or study space. Students may book the space through Outlook’s room scheduler function. Find more information on booking the Wellness Rooms here.

More Resources
Information on the Hans Rosling Center
Detailed information on Hans Rosling Center (requires UW NetID login)
Contact Epi Student Academic Services (SAS), epi@uw.edu with questions regarding Epi student spaces.