
Find a TA Position

Teaching assistantships (TAs) are appointed for specific courses by course instructors and paid directly through the UW. Priority for TA positions in the Department of Epidemiology is typically given to doctoral students in their second year and beyond.

Several of the larger, required epi methods courses, as well as some of the undergraduate epi courses, hire teaching assistants (TA) every year. All open-hire opportunities for TA positions in the department are broadcast to students on a quarterly basis, and will also be posted here as they become available. Having performed well in the course, or having specialized skills or knowledge applicable to the course content, can be important factors in the hiring process.

Additional sources of funding from across the School of Public Health can be found on the SPH Student Funding and Opportunities webpage (UW NetID required).

Publicly advertised TA opportunities:

No job opportunities at this time.


Submit a separate application form for each course you wish to apply for.