
Mandy Fretts

Associate Professor, Epidemiology



PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2011
MPH Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2007



University of Washington
Box 351619
Department of Epidemiology
Hans Rosling Center for Population Health, 873
Seattle, WA 98195


Dr. Fretts is a cardiovascular and nutritional epidemiologist with a focus on observational and interventional research aimed at improving cardio-metabolic health in underserved and rural communities (with a focus on American Indian communities). Her work aims to work with community partners to integrate observational and interventional research to mitigate obesity-related health disparities and improve health behaviors and health outcomes. Dr. Fretts’ research primarily focuses on nutrition, food insecurity, the food environment, physical activity, obesity, fatty acids, and diabetes. She is the Principal Investigator of the Dakotas field site for the Strong Heart Study, a large cohort study of heart disease and its risk factors in 12 American Indian communities in Arizona, Oklahoma, North Dakota and South Dakota, that has been on-going since 1988. She is also Principal Investigator of a community-based diet and cooking skills intervention (randomized trial) designed to improve blood sugar control and other cardiovascular risk factors for American Indians with type 2 diabetes. In addition to her work with American Indian communities, she is involved in several on-going projects related to fatty acids, diet, diet*gene interactions, diabetes, and cardiovascular outcomes in the Cardiovascular Health Study and the Fatty Acids and Outcomes Research Consortium (FORCE) consortium.

Research Interests

  • American Indian health
  • Diabetes
  • Interventions
  • Nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Lifestyle
  • Social epidemiology
  • Health disparities
  • Obesity
  • Fatty acids
  • Cardio-metabolic disease prevention

Recent Publications (PubMed)

High-Density Lipoprotein Lipidomics, Endothelial Dysfunction, and Fistula Maturation in Patients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease.
(2025 Mar)
Kidney Med 7(3): 100954
Lidgard B, Hoofnagle AN, Zelnick LR, de Boer IH, Fretts AM, Kestenbaum BR, Lemaitre RN, Robinson-Cohen C, Bansal N

Depression and Incident Hypertension: The Strong Heart Family Study.
(2025 Jan 16)
Prev Chronic Dis 22(): E06
Santoni S, Kernic MA, Malloy K, Ali T, Zhang Y, Cole SA, Fretts AM

DNA Methylation Signatures of Cardiovascular Health Provide Insights into Diseases.
(2024 Nov 20)
Carbonneau M, Li Y, Qu Y, Zheng Y, Wood AC, Wang M, Liu C, Huan T, Joehanes R, Guo X, Yao J, Taylor KD, Tracy RP, Peter D, Liu Y, Johnson WC, Post WS, Blackwell T, Rotter JI, Rich SS, Redline S, Fornage M, Wang J, Ning H, Hou L, Lloyd-Jones D, Ferrier K, Min YI, Carson AP, Raffield LM, Teumer A, Grabe HJ, Völzke H, Nauck M, Dörr M, Domingo-Relloso A, Fretts A, Tellez-Plaza M, Cole S, Navas-Acien A, Wang M, Murabito JM, Heard-Costa NL, Prescott B, Xanthakis V, Mozaffarian D, Levy D, Ma J

AESurv: autoencoder survival analysis for accurate early prediction of coronary heart disease.
(2024 Sep 23)
Brief Bioinform 25(6):
Shen Y, Domingo-Relloso A, Kupsco A, Kioumourtzoglou MA, Tellez-Plaza M, Umans JG, Fretts AM, Zhang Y, Schnatz PF, Casanova R, Martin LW, Horvath S, Manson JE, Cole SA, Wu H, Whitsel EA, Baccarelli AA, Navas-Acien A, Gao F

Heart Failure Risk Prediction in a Population With a High Burden of Diabetes: Evidence From the Strong Heart Study.
(2024 Sep 3)
J Am Heart Assoc 13(17): e033772
Martinez-Morata I, Domingo-Relloso A, Zhang Y, Fretts AM, Pichler G, Garcia Pinilla JM, Umans JG, Cole SA, Sun Y, Shimbo D, Navas-Acien A, Devereux RB

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