August 6, 2024
Hiwot Zewdie
Hiwot is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Epidemiology and a NIH Predoctoral fellow in the ‘Contributing Factors and Consequences of Cancer Health Disparities’ training program. She was previously an NIH Predoctoral trainee in the ‘TL1 Translational Research’ and the ‘Biostatistics, Epidemiologic and Bioinformatic Training in Environmental Health’ (BEBTEH) training programs.
August 5, 2024
Sarah Garcia
Sarah graduated from the University of Washington with her MPH in Epidemiology in 2024 and is a current PhD student in the Department of Epidemiology. Her research interests include nutrition, food insecurity, the food environment, and mental health among underrepresented groups.
August 1, 2024
Julia Schleimer
Julia Schleimer is a social epidemiologist, PhD Candidate in the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Washington School of Public Health, Trainee with the University of Washington Firearm Injury & Policy Research Program, and Research Data Analyst with the University of California, Davis Violence Prevention Research Program. She holds an MPH in epidemiology with…
March 13, 2024
Enhancing public health surveillance: integrating genomic and epidemiologic data to inform public health action and One Health progress
Pathogen genomic data can provide highly useful information for public health practice, particularly when combined and analyzed with epidemiologic data in real time. Likewise, a One Health approach pushes our current health surveillance systems beyond their siloed views to consider balancing and optimizing health outcomes across human, animal, and environmental domains. Implementation of genomic epidemiology…
Beverage consumption and perceived healthfulness among parents, and investigation of spillover effects: Insights from the Seattle Sweetened Beverage Tax
Sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) taxes are generally adopted with the goal of reducing SSB consumption and improving public health. Extensive research on local SSB excise taxes in the US shows that taxes consistently increase prices and decrease purchasing of taxed beverages in the taxed jurisdiction. Evidence of impacts on SSB consumption, however, is less consistent. In…
Post-Diagnosis Statin Use and Survival Among Patients with Cancer
Statins are widely used cholesterol-lowering medications. Evidence from preclinical and observational studies suggest that statins use may improve cancer survival in patients with cancer, while findings from clinical trials have been mixed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between post-diagnosis statin use and cancer outcomes in seven common cancers. In this…
Pathogenic Variant Status of High-Risk Genes, Polygenic, Epidemiological Risk Factors, and Utilization of Risk Management Options in Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease with multiple established risk factors, which include high-penetrance germline variants in cancer predisposition genes such as ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, and PALB2. Additionally, individual and behavioral factors such as age at menarche, parity, number of births, age at first full-term pregnancy, breastfeeding, age at natural menopause, height, pre- and…
Adapting Trauma Outcome Prediction Models to Individual Facilities using Transfer Learning
With the increasing availability of big data and advanced computational techniques, machine learning (ML) models are becoming common in medicine and healthcare. Generalizable models, models that can be applied to any setting or patient cohort, are described as a goal of ML, yet sacrifices in performance are required to demonstrate such broad applicability. To date,…
Health and economic impact of COVID-19, surveillance, and vaccination among people experiencing homelessness in Seattle-King County, Washington
The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected people experiencing homelessness, with shelters often representing a hotspot for outbreaks due to the elevated risk of viral transmission. COVID-19 surveillance in congregate living settings is vital for mitigating pandemic-related harms, especially among high-risk populations. Additionally, ensuring high COVID-19 vaccination coverage is crucial to prevent morbidity and mortality. However,…
December 26, 2023
Clinical Trial Designs that Utilize Historical Controls in the setting of Cystic Fibrosis
In certain rare disease settings, traditional randomized controlled trials face ethical and feasibility challenges that can exclude their use. Adequate participant recruitment can be prohibitively difficult, and a large placebo control arm could unethically expose vulnerable participants to risk. Development of new therapeutics for these diseases still require regulatory grade evidence of a treatment effect,…
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