
Kerry Reding

Adjunct Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Associate Professor, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Informatics
Endowed Professorship, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Informatics
Acting Director, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Informatics


PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2008
MPH Epidemiology, University of Michigan, 2002
BS Zoology, Arizona State University, 1998


University of Washington
Box 357266
School of Nursing, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems

Research Interests

My research focuses on reducing cancer incidence and improving survival, with particular interests in lifestyle interventions and biomarkers of risk, as well as reducing racial disparities in breast cancer.

My current research projects include:

  1. A multi-level intervention focused on improving nutrition and physical activity habits, implemented at the school-level and individual-level.
  2. Ancillary study focused on a novel estrogen biomarker in the Women's Health Initiative (WHI). This project examines this biomarker prospectively for its link to breast cancer and will leverage the WHI study.
  3. A project investigating racial differences in breast cancer treatment. This project is characterizing the patterns of care received for breast cancer by linking WHI data with medicare claims data.

Recent Publications (PubMed)

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