
Travel Awards

Travel awards are available to support travel for Epi students presenting a paper or poster at a major conference in the field. The funds can help you defray some conference registration and travel costs. Additionally, Epi doctoral candidates are eligible to request funds related to expenses associated with traveling out of the Seattle area for activities related to their dissertation work. Note that Epi doctoral candidates are eligible for only one travel award per year (i.e., either one conference-related travel award, or one dissertation-related travel award).

Note that Epi Student Travel Awards are currently on pause, and new funding requests are not being accepted at this timeQuestions can be addressed to the Epi Administrator, DJ Miller.

Students are encouraged to consider alternative funding sources. Epi students may be eligible for UW Graduate School Conference Travel funding. The Grad School funds are for transportation costs and registration fees, and must be requested on the student’s behalf by the Department. Graduate School conference funds are not eligible for dissertation-related travel expenses. Questions should be addressed to the Epi Administrator, DJ Miller. Additionally, students may want to consider travel grants from the Graduate and Professional Student Senate.