
Judith Wasserheit

Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology
Professor, Global Health
Professor, Medicine - Allergy and Infectious Dis.



MD Medicine, Harvard University, 1978
MPH Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 1989
BA Biochemistry, Slavic Lang & Lit, Princeton University, 1974



University of Washington
Box 357965
UW Dept. of Global Health
1705 NE Pacific St.
Box 357965
Seattle, WA 98195

Research Areas

Research Interests

  • Impact of HIV and other STDs on women and adolescents
  • STD/HIV interactions
  • HIV vaccine clinical trials
  • Implementation science

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Reimagining Global Health: Accelerating Change for a Sustainable Future.
Ann Glob Health 91(1): 6
Salm M, Alwan A, Lichtveld M, García PJ, Kilmarx PH, Sewankambo NK, Martin R, Ahmed T, Wasserheit JN

Mapping hotspots of zoonotic pathogen emergence: an integrated model-based and participatory-based approach.
(2025 Jan)
Lancet Planet Health 9(1): e14-e22
Meisner J, Baines A, Ngere I, Garcia PJ, Sa-Nguansilp C, Nguyen N, Niang C, Bardosh K, Nguyen T, Fenelon H, Norris M, Mitchell S, Munayco CV, Janzing N, Dragovich R, Traylor E, Li T, Le H, Suarez A, Sanad Y, Leader BT, Wasserheit JN, Lofgren E, Clancey E, Benzekri NA, Shields L, Rabiner C, Seifert S, Rabinowitz P, Lankester F

Unraveling the Complexity of Chikungunya Virus Infection Immunological and Genetic Insights in Acute and Chronic Patients.
(2024 Oct 24)
Genes (Basel) 15(11):
Fritsch H, Giovanetti M, Clemente LG, da Rocha Fernandes G, Fonseca V, de Lima MM, Falcão M, de Jesus N, de Cerqueira EM, Venâncio da Cunha R, de Oliveira Francisco MVL, de Siqueira IC, de Oliveira C, Xavier J, Ferreira JGG, Queiroz FR, Smith E, Tisoncik-Go J, Van Voorhis WC, Rabinowitz PM, Wasserheit JN, Gale M Jr, de Filippis AMB, Alcantara LCJ

Methylation markers for anal cancer screening: A repeated cross-sectional analysis of people living with HIV, 2015-2016.
(2024 Sep 15)
Int J Cancer 155(6): 1091-1100
Vasavada A, Stankiewicz Karita HC, Lin J, Schouten J, Hawes SE, Barnabas RV, Wasserheit J, Feng Q, Winer RL

US Academic and NGO Engagement in Pandemic Preparedness and Response.
(2024 Mar-Apr)
Health Secur 22(2): 167-171
McOwen H, Wasserheit JN, Rabinowitz P

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