Luke Wander
Adjunct Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Associate Professor, Medicine - General Internal Medicine
MD Medicine, University of Washington, 2008
Post-baccalaureate University of Washington, 2003
BFA Graphic Design and Computer Animation, Savannah College of Art and Design, 1997
MS Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2014
Research Areas
Research Interests
My collaborators and I combine the study of novel blood-based epigenetic biomarkers and established clinical/demographic measures to understand how diabetes develops. Our goal is to develop new biomarkers to find people at the highest risk of diabetes and its complications (prognostic biomarkers) and people likely to respond to interventions aimed at stopping disease progression (predictive biomarkers).
Recent Publications (PubMed)
(2024 Mar)
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 34(3): 633-641
Bae JC, Wander PL, Lemaitre RN, Fretts AM, Sitlani CM, Bui HH, Thomas MK, Leonetti D, Fujimoto WY, Boyko EJ, Utzschneider KM
(2024 Mar 1)
Diabetes Care 47(3): 471-475
Wander PL, Bammler TK, MacDonald JW, Srinouanprachanh S, Boyko EJ, Enquobahrie DA
(2023 Dec 1)
JAMA Netw Open 6(12): e2346783
Wander PL, Baraff A, Fox A, Cho K, Maripuri M, Honerlaw JP, Ho YL, Dey AT, O'Hare AM, Bohnert ASB, Boyko EJ, Maciejewski ML, Viglianti E, Iwashyna TJ, Hynes DM, Osborne TF, Ioannou GN
(2023 Nov 1)
Diabetes Care 46(11): 2084
Harding JL, Wander PL, Zhang X, Li X, Karuranga S, Chen H, Sun H, Xie Y, Oram RA, Magliano DJ, Zhou Z, Jenkins AJ, Ma RCW
(2023 Jul-Sep)
Diabet Epidemiol Manag 11(): 100151
Wander PL, Lowy E, Korpak A, Beste LA, Kahn SE, Boyko EJ
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