
Janet L Stanford

Research Professor Emeritus, Epidemiology



PhD Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University, 1985
MPH Epidemiology, Emory University, 1982
BSN Nursing Rn/bs, Georgia State University, 1980



Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Box 358080 M4-B874
1100 Fairview Ave N., Building M
P.O. Box 19024, Mailstop: M4-B874
Seattle, WA 98195
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Research Interests

Dr. Stanford's research interests are in chronic disease epidemiology, specifically prostate cancer. She has worked on population-based case-control studies of risk factors (environmental, lifestyle, and genetic) for prostate cancer, studies of risk factors for prostate cancer recurrence/progression/mortality, studies of quality of life and function in prostate cancer survivors, and genetic susceptibility to sporadic and hereditary prostate cancer. Currently, Dr. Stanford is working on several next-generation sequencing projects involving hereditary prostate cancer families with aggressive and/or early onset disease. She is also working on further validation for a panel of genetic markers she and her collaborators have found to be associated with lethal prostate cancer, and she is involved in numerous studies that are genotyping candidate SNPs as well as GWAS for prostate cancer.
