
Jeffrey Stanaway

Adjunct Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Associate Professor, Health Metrics Sciences
Associate Professor, Global Health



PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2013
MPH Family and Child Health , University of Arizona, 2008
BS Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Inst & State Univ, 2007
BS Human Nutrition, Virginia Polytechnic Inst & State Univ, 2001



Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
2301 5th Avenue, Suite 600
Box 358210
Seattle, WA 98121


Dr. Stanaway received his PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Washington and his MPH from the University of Arizona. He is Assistant Professor at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, where he is part of the research team for the landmark Global Burden of Disease study. In this role, he has modeled morbidity and mortality from enteric diseases, neglected tropical diseases, and environmental risk factors. His research focuses on macro-epidemiology with a special interest in understanding connections between the physical environment and the spatiotemporal distribution of disease.

Research Interests

Dr. Stanaway's current research lies primarily in descriptive epidemiology and burden estimation, with a focus on enteric infections (e.g. typhoid, paratyphoid, and iNTS), and environmental risk factors (e.g. temperature and air pollution).

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Estimating the Burden of Common Mental Disorders Attributable to Lifestyle Factors: Protocol for the Global Burden of Disease Lifestyle and Mental Disorder (GLAD) Project.
(2025 Mar 14)
JMIR Res Protoc 14(): e65576
Ashtree DN, Orr R, Lane MM, Akbaraly TN, Bonaccio M, Costanzo S, Gialluisi A, Grosso G, Lassale C, Martini D, Monasta L, Santomauro D, Stanaway J, Jacka FN, O'Neil A

Salmonella Combination Vaccines: Moving Beyond Typhoid.
(2023 May)
Open Forum Infect Dis 10(Suppl 1): S58-S66
MacLennan CA, Stanaway J, Grow S, Vannice K, Steele AD

GBD 2019 study informs industry yet crucial questions remain unanswered - Authors' reply.
(2023 Mar 4)
Lancet 401(10378): 731-732
Stanaway JD, Hay SI, Murray CJL, GBD Risk Factor Collaborators

Health effects associated with vegetable consumption: a Burden of Proof study.
(2022 Oct)
Nat Med 28(10): 2066-2074
Stanaway JD, Afshin A, Ashbaugh C, Bisignano C, Brauer M, Ferrara G, Garcia V, Haile D, Hay SI, He J, Iannucci V, Lescinsky H, Mullany EC, Parent MC, Serfes AL, Sorensen RJD, Aravkin AY, Zheng P, Murray CJL

The Burden of Proof studies: assessing the evidence of risk.
(2022 Oct)
Nat Med 28(10): 2038-2044
Zheng P, Afshin A, Biryukov S, Bisignano C, Brauer M, Bryazka D, Burkart K, Cercy KM, Cornaby L, Dai X, Dirac MA, Estep K, Fay KA, Feldman R, Ferrari AJ, Gakidou E, Gil GF, Griswold M, Hay SI, He J, Irvine CMS, Kassebaum NJ, LeGrand KE, Lescinsky H, Lim SS, Lo J, Mullany EC, Ong KL, Rao PC, Razo C, Reitsma MB, Roth GA, Santomauro DF, Sorensen RJD, Srinivasan V, Stanaway JD, Vollset SE, Vos T, Wang N, Welgan CA, Wozniak SS, Aravkin AY, Murray CJL

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