Monisha Sharma
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Assistant Professor, Global Health
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Pharmacy
PhD University of Washington,
ScM Johns Hopkins University,
BS Tufts University,
Dr. Monisha Sharma is an infectious disease epidemiologist whose research interests include mathematical modeling and cost-effectiveness analyses of HIV testing and treatment interventions in sub-Saharan Africa. She is the principal investigator of a K01 award to design an intervention into increase men’s uptake of HIV self-testing and clinic linkage in Uganda. During her joint postdoctoral fellowship with UW and the Harvard School of Public Health, she worked to develop a mathematical model of HIV/HPV co-infection to project the cost-effectiveness of cervical cancer prevention strategies in South Africa. She is currently working on a scale up project of Assisted Partner Notification services in Kenya and collaborates with the Institute for Disease Modeling to project the impact of community-based pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) scale up in Kenya and Uganda.
Research Areas
Research Interests
Mathematical modeling
Cervical Cancer
Economic evaluation