
Alison C. Roxby

Adjunct Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Associate Professor, Medicine - Allergy and Infectious Dis.
Associate Professor, Global Health



MD University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), 2003
MSc Public Health in Developing Countries, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (UK), 2002
BA French, International Studies, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), 1996



Box 359909
University of Washington
Seattle, WA


Dr. Roxby's research goals are to improve maternal health, promote family planning, and reduce perinatal and adolescent acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). She completed a K23 career development award studying immune activation during pregnancy and contraception in HIV-infected Kenyan women, and currently holds two National Institutes of Health grants studying contraception and the vaginal microbiome, and sexually transmitted infection acquisition in Kenyan adolescent girls. She teaches in the Department of Global Health. Dr. Roxby sees adult HIV and PrEP patients at Madison Clinic and at Roosevelt Virology Clinic, where she serves as Clinic Director.

Research Interests

HIV and Women; family planning and HIV risk; genital immunology; prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Safety and immunogenicity after a 30-month boost of a subtype C ALVAC-HIV (vCP2438) vaccine prime plus bivalent subtype C gp120/MF59 vaccine boost (HVTN 100): A phase 1-2 randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
PLOS Glob Public Health 4(9): e0003319
Naicker V, Laher F, Bekker LG, Seaton KE, Allen M, De Rosa S, Yates NL, Mkhize NN, Saunders K, Heptinstall J, Malahleha M, Mngadi K, Daniels B, Innes C, Yu C, Modise T, Bekker V, Grunenberg N, Furch B, Miner MD, Phogat S, Diazgranados CA, Gurunathan S, Koutsoukos M, Van Der Meeren O, Roxby AC, Ferrari G, Morris L, Montefiori D, McElrath MJ, Tomaras GD, Moodie Z

Oral Preexposure Prophylaxis Uptake and Discontinuation in the HIV Vaccine Trials Network 704/HIV Prevention Trials Network 085 Study: Implications for Biomedical Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevention Trials.
(2024 Jul)
Open Forum Infect Dis 11(7): ofae387
Cantos VD, Neradilek M, Huang Y, Roxby AC, Gillespie K, deCamp AC, Karuna ST, Edupuganti S, Gallardo-Cartagena J, Sanchez J, Del Rio C, Veloso V, Cohen MS, Donnell DJ, Corey L, Kelley CF

Factors associated with reactogenicity to an investigational HIV vaccine regimen in HIV vaccine trials network 702.
(2024 Aug 13)
Vaccine 42(20): 125991
Chihana R, Jin Kee J, Moodie Z, Huang Y, Janes H, Dadabhai S, Roxby AC, Allen M, Kassim S, Naicker V, Innes C, Naicker N, Dubula T, Grunenberg N, Malahleha M, Kublin JG, Bekker LG, Gray G, Kumwenda J, Laher F

Antibodies from chlamydia-infected individuals facilitate phagocytosis via Fc receptors.
(2024 Apr 9)
Infect Immun 92(4): e0050323
Hybiske K, Paktinat S, Newman K, Patton D, Khosropour C, Roxby AC, Mugo NR, Oluoch L, Ngure K, Suchland R, Hladik F, Vojtech L

Antiretroviral Regimen and Pregnancy Outcomes of Women Living with HIV in a US Cohort.
(2023 Nov)
Infect Dis Clin Pract (Baltim Md) 31(6):
Kopp CM, Sobhani NC, Baker B, Tapia K, Jain R, Hitti J, Roxby AC

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