
Mark Oberle

Professor Emeritus, Epidemiology
Professor Emeritus, Health Systems and Population Health
Professor Emeritus, Global Health


MD Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University, 1974
MPH Epidemiology, University of California (Berkeley), 1979
AB Biology, Harvard University, 1970


Recent Publications (PubMed)

A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effectiveness of Traditional and Mobile Public Health Communications With Health Care Providers.
(2016 Feb)
Disaster Med Public Health Prep 10(1): 98-107
Baseman J, Revere D, Painter I, Oberle M, Duchin J, Thiede H, Nett R, MacEachern D, Stergachis A

Using conceptual work products of health care to design health IT.
(2016 Feb)
J Biomed Inform 59(): 15-30
Berry AB, Butler KA, Harrington C, Braxton MO, Walker AJ, Pete N, Johnson T, Oberle MW, Haselkorn J, Paul Nichol W, Haselkorn M

Exploring bi-directional and SMS messaging for communications between Public Health Agencies and their stakeholders: a qualitative study.
(2015 Jul 8)
BMC Public Health 15(): 621
Revere D, Calhoun R, Baseman J, Oberle M

Health-care provider preferences for time-sensitive communications from public health agencies.
Public Health Rep 129 Suppl 4(Suppl 4): 67-76
Revere D, Painter I, Oberle M, Baseman JG

Applying the XForms Standard to Public Health Case Reporting and Alerting.
Online J Public Health Inform 3(2):
Hills RA, Baseman JG, Revere D, Boge CL, Oberle MW, Doctor JN, Lober WB

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