
Steve Mooney

Associate Professor, Epidemiology


PhD Epidemiology, Columbia University, 2016
MS Epidemiology, Columbia University, 2012
BS Computer Science, Yale University, 1998


Box 351619
Department of Epidemiology
Hans Rosling Center for Population Health, 868
Seattle, WA 98195

Research Interests

Dr. Mooney is interested, broadly, in how cities affect health, and how we can know whether they do. His research focuses on built environment influences on pedestrian injury and physical activity, augmented with a stable of side projects digging into epidemiologic methodology.

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Distributed lag models for retrospective cohort data with application to a study of built environment and body weight.
(2025 Jan 7)
Biometrics 81(1):
Bobb JF, Mooney SJ, Cruz M, Vernez Moudon A, Drewnowski A, Arterburn D, Cook AJ

Association between neighborhood walkability and physical activity in a community-based twin sample.
(2024 Dec 12)
Am J Epidemiol
Duncan GE, Hurvitz PM, Williams BD, Avery AR, Pilgrim MJD, Tsang S, Amram O, Mooney SJ, Rundle AG

Design of a Location-Based Case-Control Study of Built Environment Risk Factors for Pedestrian Fatalities in the U.S.
(2024 Oct 11)
Am J Epidemiol
Rundle AG, Uong SP, Bader MDM, Kinsey EW, Kinsey D, Lovasi GS, Mooney SJ, Neckerman KM, Quinn JW

The Automatic Context Measurement Tool (ACMT) to Compile Participant-Specific Built and Social Environment Measures for Health Research: Development and Usability Study.
(2024 Oct 4)
JMIR Form Res 8(): e56510
Zhou W, Youngbloom A, Ren X, Saelens BE, Mooney SD, Mooney SJ

The Burden of Injuries Associated With E-Bikes, Powered Scooters, Hoverboards, and Bicycles in the United States: 2019‒2022.
(2024 Dec)
Am J Public Health 114(12): 1365-1374
Burford KG, Itzkowitz NG, Rundle AG, DiMaggio C, Mooney SJ

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