
Scott Lindquist

Affiliate Professor, Epidemiology



MD University of Washington, 1992
MPH International Health, Harvard University, 1998
BS Zoology, University of Washington, 1988



Office 300
Washington State Department of Health
WA 98337


Dr. Lindquist completed his medical training at the University of Washington School of Medicine as a student of the WAMI (Washington, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho) program. He completed a residency in pediatrics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an Infectious Disease Fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. He completed his Masters in Public Health at the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Lindquist has drawn upon this broad background to focus upon underserved populations and infectious diseases. He has combined all the aspects of his training as a Health Officer/Director of Health for the Kitsap County Health District from 2001–2014. In addition, he serves as a pediatrician and public health officer at the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribal Medical Clinic where he has worked one day a week since 2001. Dr. Lindquist has been the Washington State Tuberculosis medical consultant from 2002-2021 and currently serves as the Medical State Epidemiologist for Washington State. He also serves as chief medical officer for Public Health Solutions International (PHSI), which is an international consulting company that provides consultation to current world public health problems.

Research Areas

Research Interests

Tuberculosis and Infectious Diseases

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Developing a one health data integration framework focused on real-time pathogen surveillance and applied genomic epidemiology.
(2025 Feb 20)
One Health Outlook 7(1): 9
Oltean HN, Lipton B, Black A, Snekvik K, Haman K, Buswell M, Baines AE, Rabinowitz PM, Russell SL, Shadomy S, Ghai RR, Rekant S, Lindquist S, Baseman JG

Changing genomic epidemiology of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities during the 2020-2022 pandemic, Washington State.
(2024 Jan 15)
BMC Public Health 24(1): 182
Oltean HN, Black A, Lunn SM, Smith N, Templeton A, Bevers E, Kibiger L, Sixberry M, Bickel JB, Hughes JP, Lindquist S, Baseman JG, Bedford T

Notes from the Field: Gastrointestinal Illness Among Hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail - Washington, August-October 2022.
(2023 Sep 8)
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 72(36): 997-998
Hamlet A, Begley K, Miko S, Stewart L, Tellier W, Gonzalez-De Leon J, Booth H, Lippman S, Kahler A, Roundtree A, Hatada A, Lindquist S, Melius B, Goldoft M, Mattioli M, Holshue M

Sentinel Surveillance System Implementation and Evaluation for SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Data, Washington, USA, 2020-2021.
(2023 Feb)
Emerg Infect Dis 29(2): 242-251
Oltean HN, Allen KJ, Frisbie L, Lunn SM, Torres LM, Manahan L, Painter I, Russell D, Singh A, Peterson JM, Grant K, Peter C, Cao R, Garcia K, Mackellar D, Jones L, Halstead H, Gray H, Melly G, Nickerson D, Starita L, Frazar C, Greninger AL, Roychoudhury P, Mathias PC, Kalnoski MH, Ting CN, Lykken M, Rice T, Gonzalez-Robles D, Bina D, Johnson K, Wiley CL, Magnuson SC, Parsons CM, Chapman ED, Valencia CA, Fortna RR, Wolgamot G, Hughes JP, Baseman JG, Bedford T, Lindquist S

A Review of Zoonotic Disease Threats to Pet Owners: A Compendium of Measures to Prevent Zoonotic Diseases Associated with Non-Traditional Pets: Rodents and Other Small Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Backyard Poultry, and Other Selected Animals.
(2022 Jun)
Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 22(6): 303-360
Varela K, Brown JA, Lipton B, Dunn J, Stanek D, Behravesh CB, Chapman H, Conger TH, Vanover T, Edling T, Holzbauer S, Lennox AM, Lindquist S, Loerzel S, Mehlenbacher S, Mitchell M, Murphy M, Olsen CW, Yager CM

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