Sylvia M LaCourse
Adjunct Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Associate Professor, Medicine - Allergy and Infectious Dis.
Associate Professor, Global Health
MD University of Louisville, 2007
BA Environmental Science, University of California (Santa Barbara), 1995
325 9th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Dr. LaCourse’s research focuses on improved tuberculosis prevention, screening, and detection with a focus on people with HIV, including pregnant people and children. She leads clinical cohorts of pregnant people and children evaluating diagnostics for latent and active TB infection as well as interventional studies evaluating TB prevention therapy including among HIV-exposed uninfected children and pregnant people with HIV. Active areas of research include evaluation of non-sputum based TB diagnostics as well as the role of pregnancy and HIV in TB susceptibility. An additional area of scientific focus is SAR-CoV-2 antibody responses in pregnant people and their infants.
Dr. LaCourse is a GWACh (Global Women, Adolescent, and Child health) scientific lead, Kenya Research and Training Center (KRTC) faculty member, Tuberculosis Research & Training Center (TRTC) leadership committee member, and TB ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) faculty, and co-leads the Development core of the recently awarded NIH Seattle TB Research Advancement Center (SEA-TRAC). She is committed to the inclusion of children and pregnant women in HIV/TB research as an IMPAACT (International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Network) TB Scientific Committee mentored junior investigator, and International Union Against TB and Lung Disease Maternal Child Health Working Group Scientific Co-Lead.
She is an attending physician at the Madison HIV clinic and infectious diseases, general medicine, and HIV inpatient services at the University of Washington and Harborview Medical Centers.
Recent Publications (PubMed)
(2025 Feb)
Open Forum Infect Dis 12(2): ofaf067
Saha A, Escudero JN, Layouni T, Mecha J, Maleche-Obimbo E, Matemo D, Kinuthia J, John-Stewart G, Richardson BA, LaCourse SM, Shah JA
(2025 Feb)
Drugs 85(2): 127-147
Chihota V, Gombe M, Gupta A, Salazar-Austin N, Ryckman T, Hoffmann CJ, LaCourse S, Mathad JS, Mave V, Dooley KE, Chaisson RE, Churchyard G
(2024 Dec 18)
J Infect Dis
Day CL, Njuguna IN, Cranmer LM, Whatney WE, Pearson RA, Lindestam Arlehamn CS, Sette A, LaCourse SM, Escudero JN, Sasser LE, Mugo C, Okinyi HM, Maleche-Obimbo E, Wamalwa DC, John-Stewart GC
(2024 Nov 15)
Clin Infect Dis
Rosen LV, Thielking AM, Dugdale CM, Montepiedra G, Kalk E, Kim S, LaCourse SM, Mathad JS, Freedberg KA, Horsburgh CR, Paltiel AD, Wood R, Ciaranello AL, Reddy KP
(2024 Nov)
JAAD Case Rep 53(): 17-22
Alam M, Fitzpatrick T, DeNiro K, Simmons J, LaCourse S
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