
Aruna Kamineni

Clinical Assistant Professor, Epidemiology


PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2010
MPH Epidemiology, University of Washington, 1997




Aruna Kamineni, PhD, MPH, has expertise in using case-control methods to evaluate screening efficacy, and her research focuses on addressing evidence gaps for clinical guidelines, particularly for cervical and colorectal cancer prevention. A substantial portion of her work has focused on developing infrastructure and methods for research using electronic clinical and administrative health care data.

Since 2011, Dr. Kamineni has participated in the National Cancer Institute’s Population-based Research to Optimize the Screening Process (PROSPR) consortium to evaluate and improve cancer screening in U.S. community settings. As a principal investigator for multisite cervical and colorectal cancer PROSPR Research Centers, Dr. Kamineni is leading and collaborating on work to determine how to optimally use screening tests and consider how to tailor screening for population subgroups.

Dr. Kamineni’s research goals include studying the impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing and HPV vaccination on cervical cancer and screening programs. Multidisciplinary collaboration is a valued and important driver of Dr. Kamineni’s research and she embraces a team science approach to optimizing cancer prevention.

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Cervical cancer screening rates in females living with HIV at three healthcare settings in the United States, 2010-2019.
(2024 Nov 13)
Cancer Causes Control
Sheridan L, Pocobelli G, Anderson M, Li CI, Kruse GR, Tiro JA, Kamineni A

Colorectal Cancer Screening Completion and Yield in Patients Aged 45 to 50 Years : An Observational Study.
(2024 Dec)
Ann Intern Med 177(12): 1621-1629
Levin TR, Jensen CD, Udaltsova N, Burnett-Hartman AA, Kamineni A, Chao CR, Schottinger JE, Ghai NR, Pocobelli G, White LL, Oliver M, Chowdhry H, Hixon BP, Badalov JM, Goldberg SR, Bradford SC, Quesenberry CP, Lee JK

Association between racial residential segregation and screening uptake for colorectal and cervical cancer among Black and White patients in five US health care systems.
(2024 Dec 15)
Cancer 130(24): 4287-4297
Issaka RB, Ibekwe LN, Todd KW, Burnett-Hartman AN, Clark CR, Del Vecchio NJ, Kamineni A, Neslund-Dudas C, Chubak J, Corley DA, Haas JS, Honda SA, Li CI, Winer RL, Pruitt SL

Assessing Management of Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Results and Concordance with Guideline Recommendations in Three US Healthcare Settings.
(2024 Jul 1)
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 33(7): 912-922
Cheng D, Rieu-Werden ML, Lykken JM, Werner CL, Feldman S, Silver MI, Atlas SJ, Tiro JA, Haas JS, Kamineni A

Characteristics of Clinicians Caring for Transgender Men and Nonbinary Individuals and Guideline Concordance of Clinicians' Cervical Cancer Screening Counseling for Cisgender Individuals Versus Transgender Men and Nonbinary Individuals with a Cervix.
(2024 Oct)
LGBT Health 11(7): 563-569
McDowell A, Rieu-Werden ML, Atlas SJ, Fields CD, Goldstein RH, Gundersen GD, Haas JS, Higashi RT, Pruitt SL, Silver MI, Tiro JA, Kamineni A

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