
Vivian N Hawkins

Affiliate Associate Professor, Epidemiology


BA Biology, St. Mary's College of Maryland, 2002
MS Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2007
PhD Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Washington, 2009


Snohomish County Health Department


Vivian is the Epidemiology and Informatics Manager at the Snohomish County Health Department. Vivian just joined Snohomish in June 2023 after a decade at the Washington State Department of Health.

Vivian supervises all epidemiology work at the Snohomish County Health Department, including work in a variety of fields including communicable disease, substance use, environmental health and more. As Vivian gets settled in this role, she will be interested in mentoring practicum and thesis students, so please reach out if you are interested in applied public health.

Vivian has a background at the lab bench, having completed her PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Washington, and also holds a MS in Epidemiology from UW.

Vivian leads the UW Epidemiology course EPI 506 Surveillance Systems and Decision Making in Public Health, which features guest speakers talking about surveillance and decision making across multiple sectors.

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