
David W. Fleming

Clinical Associate Professor, Epidemiology


MD Medicine, State University of New York, 1979
BS Biology, State University of New York (Albany), 1975



Research Interests

HIV and sexually transmitted diseases; health promotion and chronic disease prevention; environmental, occupational and injury epidemiology; and vital records and community assessment

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Portable X-ray fluorescence of zinc and selenium with nail clippings-Mother and Infant Nutrition Investigation (MINI).
PLoS One 19(10): e0310845
Fleming DEB, Madani N, Kaiser MG, Kim JS, Keltie E, Drage N, Jin Y, Coad J, Brough L

Community Practice to Academe: A Road Less Traveled.
(2023 Sep-Oct)
Mo Med 120(5): 338-340
Fleming DA

Single hair analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry detects small changes in dietary zinc intake: A nested randomized controlled trial.
Front Nutr 10(): 1139017
Frederickson CJ, Fleming DEB, Asael D, Zaman M, Ferguson R, Kaiser MG, Rankin BD, Schenkels KMM, Hess AIT, Scott AR, Frederickson CJM, Sinclair JK, Lowe NM

Assessment of X-ray fluorescence capabilities for nail and hair matrices through zinc measurement in keratin reference materials.
(2023 May)
J Trace Elem Med Biol 77(): 127136
Fleming DEB, Kaiser MG, Rankin BD, Schenkels KMM

Diagnostic and treatment concordance in primary care participants and dermatologists utilizing Extension for Community Health Outcomes (ECHO).
(2024 Sep)
J Telemed Telecare 30(8): 1345-1352
Becevic M, Ge B, Braudis K, Cintrón C, Fleming D, Shyu CR, Edison K

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