
Steven Erly

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Epidemiology



PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2021
MPH Epidemiology, University of Arizona, 2016
BS Neurosciences, University of Arizona, 2014





Dr. Steven Erly is an infectious disease epidemiologist whose work spans the fields of sexual health, health equity, and applied public health.  His research is focused on improving public health programs and care delivery for people living with HIV, Hepatitis C, sexually transmitted infections, and substance abuse disorder.  He is passionate about measurement issues, program evaluation, and identifying novel use of existing data.  He also has experience in advanced statistical methods and has placed in several nationwide machine learning and data visualization competitions.  He is a full-time epidemiologist at the Washington State Department of Health where he works at the intersection of health equity and infectious disease.

Research Interests

HIV, STI, Drug User Health, Applied Epidemiology, Local and State Public Health, Program Evaluation

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Real-Time Linkage of Public-Facing Jail Registers and Syphilis Testing and Treatment Monitoring Data, Washington State, 2023-2024.
(2025 Mar)
Am J Public Health 115(3): 282-286
Erly SJ, Hill LO, Gavigan KB, Haecker KL, Amiya RM

Development of a rural-urban classification system for public health research that accommodates structural differences between states.
(2024 Dec 2)
Am J Epidemiol 193(12): 1840-1847
Erly S, Mocha CM, Amiya RM, Glick SN

Impact of COVID-19 on People Living With HIV: Data From Five Medical Monitoring Project Sites, 2020-2022.
(2024 Jun 1)
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 96(2): 106-113
Erly S, Menza TW, Granillo L, Navejas M, Udeagu CN, Brady KA, Hixson LK, Raj-Sing S, Nassau T, Kaasa C, Buskin S

Cost Analysis of Implementing a 12-Month Recertification Criterion for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program's AIDS Drug Assistance Program in Washington State.
(2024 Sep-Oct)
Public Health Rep 139(5): 573-581
Erly S, Dombrowski JC, Khosropour C, Reuer JR, Boersema K, Sharma M

Associations between adverse childhood experiences, viral suppression, and quality of life among persons living with HIV in Washington state.
(2024 Jul)
AIDS Care 36(7): 937-945
Sanders R, Dombrowski JC, Hajat A, Buskin S, Erly S

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