
Sascha Dublin

Affiliate Professor, Epidemiology



PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, 1999
MD University of Washington, 2001



Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute
1730 Minor Avenue, Suite 1600
Seattle, WA 98101

Research Interests

Dr. Dublin’s research interests include pharmacoepidemiology, pregnancy outcomes and perinatal epidemiology; aging; and cardiovascular epidemiology. Her work uses real-world health care data from Group Health and many other sources to better understand the safety and effectiveness of medications and other medical interventions.  She often focuses on the impact of interventions in vulnerable populations, particularly pregnant women and older adults. She also has interest and expertise in using novel statistical and epidemiologic methods to answer real-world questions, such as the use of two-phase study designs to reduce bias and Natural Language Processing  to extract information from electronic medical records (EMRs).  She is the Group Health site Principal Investigator for the Medication Exposures in Pregnancy Risk Evaluation Program (MEPREP), a multisite collaboration that has developed data sets including 1.2 million pregnancies across 11 health plans to examine medication safety in pregnant women.

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Development of a Pregnancy Cohort in Commercial Insurance Claims Data: Evaluation of Deliveries Identified From Inpatient Versus Outpatient Claims.
(2025 Mar)
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 34(3): e70115
Kahrs JC, Nickel KB, Wood ME, Dublin S, Durkin MJ, Osmundson SS, Stwalley D, Suarez EA, Butler AM

Novel broadly reactive monoclonal antibody protects against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.
(2025 Jan 31)
Infect Immun 93(1): e0033024
Mateu-BorrĂ¡s M, Dublin SR, Kang J, Monroe HL, Sen-Kilic E, Miller SJ, Witt WT, Chapman JA, Pyles GM, Nallar SC, Huckaby AB, Yang E, Rocuskie-Marker C, Grund ME, Amin MS, Lukomski S, Snyder GA, Ray K, Lewis GK, Ricke DO, Damron FH, Barbier M

The Systematic Multi-domain Alzheimer's Risk Reduction Trial (SMARRT) intervention: A personalized approach to dementia risk reduction.
(2024 Dec)
J Alzheimers Dis 102(4): 1121-1132
Barnes DE, Balderson BH, Shulman L, Rosenberg DE, Matson TE, Mettert KD, Delaney K, King D, Adams K, Fleckenstein L, Peltz CB, Idu A, Larson EB, Yaffe K, Dublin S

Defining key deprescribing measures from electronic health data: A multisite data harmonization project.
(2025 Feb)
J Am Geriatr Soc 73(2): 399-410
Dublin S, Albertson-Junkans L, Pham Nguyen TP, Pavon JM, Hastings SN, Maciejewski ML, Willis A, Zepel L, Hennessy S, Albers KB, Mowery D, Clark AG, Thomas S, Steinman MA, Boyd CM, Bayliss EA

Fall Outcomes in Older Adults Following Benzodiazepine/Z-Drug Discontinuation: A Retrospective Cohort Study in an Academic Health System.
(2024 Oct)
Drugs Aging 41(10): 809-819
Schindler NJ, Zepel L, Maciejewski ML, Hastings SN, Clark A, Dublin S, Albertson-Junkans L, Pavon JM

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