
Julia Dilley

Affiliate Instructor, Epidemiology
Affiliate Instructor, Health Systems and Population Health



PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2008
MES Public Health, Evergreen State College, 1996



Washington State Department of Health
Multnomah County & Oregon Dept of Human Services
800 NE Oregon Street
Suite 260
Portland, OR 97232


Julia Dilley is an epidemiologist with Program Design and Evaluation Services, a joint office of the Multnomah County Health Department and Oregon Department of Human Services Division of Public Health. She designed the original evaluation for Washington State's comprehensive tobacco control program and managed the evaluation component of the program for five years. Julia's work currently focuses on public health law research to evaluate the impact of changes in law around alcohol and marijuana use in Washington State. She also works to support chronic disease prevention programs and health disparities research for state health programs in Washington, Alaska and New Mexico. Additionally, she provides direct support for chronic disease prevention and substance abuse prevention programs in Tribes and Tribal organizations.

Julia Dilley is an epidemiologist with Program Design and Evaluation Services, a joint office of the Multnomah County Health Department and Oregon Department of Human Services Division of Public Health. She designed the original evaluation for Washington State's comprehensive tobacco control program and managed the evaluation component of the program for five years. Julia's work currently focuses on public health law research to evaluate the impact of changes in law around alcohol and marijuana use in Washington State. She also works to support chronic disease prevention programs and health disparities research for state health programs in Washington, Alaska and New Mexico. Additionally, she provides direct support for chronic disease prevention and substance abuse prevention programs in Tribes and Tribal organizations.

Research Areas

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Cannabis Retail Market Indicators in Five Legal States in the United States: A Public Health Perspective.
(2023 Aug)
Clin Ther 45(8): 778-786
Dilley JA, Johnson JK, Colby AM, Sheehy TJ, Muse EJ, Filley JR, Segawa MB, Schauer GL, Kilmer B

Medical Cannabis Program Sustainability in the Era of Recreational Cannabis.
(2023 Jun)
Clin Ther 45(6): 578-588
Colby AM, Dilley JA, Pensky HM, Johnson JK

Proximity to Legal Cannabis Stores in Canada and Use of Cannabis Sources in the First Three Years of Legalization, 2019-2021.
(2023 Nov)
J Stud Alcohol Drugs 84(6): 852-862
Wadsworth E, Driezen P, Dilley JA, Gabrys R, Jesseman R, Hammond D

Suspected Suicidal Cannabis Exposures Reported to US Poison Centers, 2009-2021.
(2023 Apr 3)
JAMA Netw Open 6(4): e239044
Graves JM, Dilley JA, Klein T, Liebelt E

Recreational Cannabis Legalization and Proximity to Cannabis Retailers as Risk Factors for Adolescents' Cannabis Use.
(2023 Aug)
Prev Sci 24(6): 1058-1067
Kerr DCR, Owen LD, Tiberio SS, Dilley JA

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