
Denise M. Boudreau

Affiliate Professor, Epidemiology
Affiliate Professor, Pharmacy



PhD Pharmacoepidemiology, University of Washington, 2002
MS Pharmacy Administration, University of Rhode Island, 1996
BS Pharmacy, University of Rhode Island, 1992



1730 Minor Ave, Suite 1600
Seattle, WA 98101


Dr. Boudreau is a Senior Investigator at the Group Health Research Institute as well as an affiliate faculty member in both the Department of Epidemiology and Pharmacy at the University of Washington. She is involved in a wide array of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomic research projects at Group Health and across the HMO Research Network (HMORN). She has extensive experience working with automated health plan data and bring expertise in the areas of observational study design/comparative effectiveness, managed care, drug safety, and economic evaluation. She has been the HMORN Steering Committee Representative on the FDA Mini Sentinel Initiative since 2009. Her main research interests include cancer pharmacoepidemiology, opioid safety, bone health, and cost of cancer.

Research Areas

Research Interests

Pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Offering nurse care management for opioid use disorder in primary care: Impact on emergency and hospital utilization in a cluster-randomized implementation trial.
(2024 Aug 1)
Drug Alcohol Depend 261(): 111350
Bobb JF, Idu AE, Qiu H, Yu O, Boudreau DM, Wartko PD, Matthews AG, McCormack J, Lee AK, Campbell CI, Saxon AJ, Liu DS, Altschuler A, Samet JH, Northrup TF, Braciszewski JM, Murphy MT, Arnsten JH, Cunningham CO, Horigian VE, Szapocznik J, Glass JE, Caldeiro RM, Tsui JI, Burganowski RP, Weinstein ZM, Murphy SM, Hyun N, Bradley KA

Nurse Care Management for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment: The PROUD Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial.
(2023 Dec 1)
JAMA Intern Med 183(12): 1343-1354
Wartko PD, Bobb JF, Boudreau DM, Matthews AG, McCormack J, Lee AK, Qiu H, Yu O, Hyun N, Idu AE, Campbell CI, Saxon AJ, Liu DS, Altschuler A, Samet JH, Labelle CT, Zare-Mehrjerdi M, Stotts AL, Braciszewski JM, Murphy MT, Dryden D, Arnsten JH, Cunningham CO, Horigian VE, Szapocznik J, Glass JE, Caldeiro RM, Phillips RC, Shea M, Bart G, Schwartz RP, McNeely J, Liebschutz JM, Tsui JI, Merrill JO, Lapham GT, Addis M, Bradley KA, PROUD Trial Collaborators, Ghiroli MM, Hamilton LK, Hu Y, LaHue JS, Loree AM, Murphy SM, Northrup TF, Shmueli-Blumberg D, Silva AJ, Weinstein ZM, Wong MT, Burganowski RP

STRategies to Improve Pain and Enjoy life (STRIPE): results of a pragmatic randomized trial of pain coping skills training and opioid medication taper guidance for patients on long-term opioid therapy.
(2023 Dec 1)
Pain 164(12): 2852-2864
Wartko PD, Krakauer C, Turner JA, Cook AJ, Boudreau DM, Sullivan MD

Baseline representativeness of patients in clinics enrolled in the PRimary care Opioid Use Disorders treatment (PROUD) trial: comparison of trial and non-trial clinics in the same health systems.
(2022 Dec 29)
BMC Health Serv Res 22(1): 1593
Wartko PD, Qiu H, Idu AE, Yu O, McCormack J, Matthews AG, Bobb JF, Saxon AJ, Campbell CI, Liu D, Braciszewski JM, Murphy SM, Burganowski RP, Murphy MT, Horigian VE, Hamilton LK, Lee AK, Boudreau DM, Bradley KA

Provider knowledge, beliefs, and self-efficacy to deprescribe opioids and sedative-hypnotics.
(2023 May)
J Am Geriatr Soc 71(5): 1580-1586
Gray SL, Fornaro R, Turner J, Boudreau DM, Wellman R, Tannenbaum C, Marcum ZA, Balderson B, Cook A, Jacobsen AL, Phelan EA

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