
Margaret Madeleine

Research Professor, Epidemiology



PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, 1996
MPH Epidemiology, Yale University, 1991



Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Box 358080
Epidemiology Program
1100 Fairview Ave N.
Mailstop: M4-C313
Seattle, WA 98109


Margaret M. Madeleine, MPH, PhD, is a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology in the School of Public Health at the University of Washington and an Associate Member of the Program in Epidemiology at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. She received her MPH in Epidemiology from Yale in 1991 and PhD from the UW in 1996. She has been a key member of the Seattle HPV research group, and focuses on the epidemiology of HPV related cancers. Prior grants have focused on the role of inflammation and immune genetics in cancer. Current projects focus on the role of HPV vaccination in prevention of HSIL and uptake of HPV vaccination in Washington State.

Research Interests

Dr. Madeleine's major research focus is on the molecular epidemiology of pathogens and our immune response to them that may be associated with cancer development and prognosis. She is interested in the common drivers behind the role that chronic subclinical inflammation (such as occurs with age, viral infection, and UV exposure) plays in cancer. Her current work includes post-licensure trials of the HPV vaccine.

Recent Publications (PubMed)

Sex differences in cancer incidence among solid organ transplant recipients.
(2024 Mar 7)
J Natl Cancer Inst 116(3): 401-407
Jackson SS, Pfeiffer RM, Hsieh MC, Li J, Madeleine MM, Pawlish KS, Zeng Y, Yu KJ, Engels EA

Using Haplotype-Based Artificial Intelligence to Evaluate SARS-CoV-2 Novel Variants and Mutations.
(2023 Feb 1)
JAMA Netw Open 6(2): e230191
Zhao LP, Cohen S, Zhao M, Madeleine M, Payne TH, Lybrand TP, Geraghty DE, Jerome KR, Corey L

Application of Statistical Learning to Identify Omicron Mutations in SARS-CoV-2 Viral Genome Sequence Data From Populations in Africa and the United States.
(2022 Sep 1)
JAMA Netw Open 5(9): e2230293
Zhao LP, Lybrand TP, Gilbert P, Madeleine M, Payne TH, Cohen S, Geraghty DE, Jerome KR, Corey L

Spectrum of Nonkeratinocyte Skin Cancer Risk Among Solid Organ Transplant Recipients in the US.
(2022 Apr 1)
JAMA Dermatol 158(4): 414-425
Sargen MR, Cahoon EK, Yu KJ, Madeleine MM, Zeng Y, Rees JR, Lynch CF, Engels EA

Outcomes of Patients with COVID-19 from a Specialized Cancer Care Emergency Room.
(2022 Jan)
Cancer Invest 40(1): 17-25
Nath SS, Yadav NU, Derkach A, Perez-Johnston R, Tachiki L, Maguire K, Babar A, Maloy MA, Klotz A, Jee J, Taur Y, Chawla S, Babady E, Khaki AR, Madeleine MM, Grivas P, Henning DJ, Aaltonen HL, Lyman GH, Groeger J

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