
Alastair Matheson

Affiliate Instructor, Epidemiology


BA Health Sciences, University of Auckland (New Zealand), 2001
MPH University of Auckland (New Zealand), 2005
PhD Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2017


Public Health Seattle and King County
401 5th Avenue, Suite 1300
Seattle, WA 98104
Department of Epidemiology
UW Box 357236

Research Interests

Dr Matheson is an epidemiologist at Public Health—Seattle & King County in the Assessment, Policy Development, and Evaluation unit. His work there includes analyzing population data to identify health needs in King County, developing visualizations to make data more accessible, and linking data across sectors. Alastair has several years’ experience working at the local health level on program evaluation, policy development, and public health informatics. His previous research focused on the epidemiology of childhood fever in a resource-limited settings.

Recent Publications (PubMed)

A Good Farewell? Positive Exits from Federal Housing Assistance and Lower Acute Healthcare Utilization.
(2023 Dec)
J Urban Health 100(6): 1202-1211
Matheson AI, Colombara DV, Pennucci A, Chan A, Shannon T, Suter M, Laurent AA

Impacts of COVID-19 on Young Children and Families: A Qualitative Study Using Best Starts for Kids Health Survey Data in King County, WA.
(2024 Jan)
Matern Child Health J 28(1): 116-124
Nair M, Moore K, Sanford SJ, McNair A, Matheson A, Wong E

The "Monsanto papers" and the nature of ghostwriting and related practices in contemporary peer review scientific literature.
(2024 Nov)
Account Res 31(8): 1152-1181
Matheson A

Attribution and credit bias in publication ethics.
(2022 Jul-Sep)
Indian J Med Ethics VII(3): 204-211
Matheson A

Clinical Trial Endpoints in Metastatic Cancer: Using Individual Participant Data to Inform Future Trials Methodology.
(2022 Jun 13)
J Natl Cancer Inst 114(6): 819-828
Goldberg RM, Adams R, Buyse M, Eng C, Grothey A, André T, Sobrero AF, Lichtman SM, Benson AB, Punt CJA, Maughan T, Burzykowski T, Sommeijer D, Saad ED, Shi Q, Coart E, Chibaudel B, Koopman M, Schmoll HJ, Yoshino T, Taieb J, Tebbutt NC, Zalcberg J, Tabernero J, Van Cutsem E, Matheson A, de Gramont A

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