
EPI 546 Psychiatric Epidemiology

EPI 546 Psychiatric Epidemiology (3)

Using epidemiological methods to study mental illness. Topics include contributions of mental illness to global disease burden; major population-based studies of mental illness; measurement of psychopathology; culture and mental illness; role of neurodevelopment, genetics, social and physical environment in etiology of mental disorders; mental health services research. Prerequisite: either EPI 511, EPI 512, HSERV 591, or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with PBSCI 546.

Spring 2025

Line Number Section ID Credits Days/Times Room/Bldg Instructor
14374A3.0Tuesday, Thursday @ 10:00am - 11:20am235 (HSEB)Isaac C. Rhew
For a complete listing of Epidemiology courses, their elective categories, and when they are typically offered, please see the Graduate Course Listing Page.