
EPI 514 Application of Epidemiologic Methods

EPI 514 Application Of Epidemiologic Methods (5)

Hands-on experience analyzing data to answer a specific research question. Each student works in a group on a separate project. Groups use data from the Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System, a national, state-based survey. Students work with a faculty preceptor, as assigned by the instructors. Prerequisite: EPI 513; and either EPI 510 or a passing score on the department's EPI 514 statistical programming screening examination. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: Sp.

Spring 2025

Line Number Section ID Credits Days/Times Room/Bldg Instructor
14368A5.0Tuesday, Thursday @ 1:30pm - 3:20pm221 (SOCC)Anjum Hajat
14369AAWednesday @ 2:30pm - 3:20pm221 (SOCC)Anjum Hajat
For a complete listing of Epidemiology courses, their elective categories, and when they are typically offered, please see the Graduate Course Listing Page.