
EPI 510 Epidemiologic Data Analysis

EPI 510 Epidemiologic Data Analysis (3)

Intended for students planning to take EPI 514. Introduces concepts and programming skills necessary to perform core data management, data cleaning and analysis tasks using the R statistical programming language. Provides students hands-on experience with developing analytic code and working with epidemiologic data sets in R. Co-requisite: either EPI 511, EPI 512, or PHI 512. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

Autumn 2025

Line Number Section ID Credits Days/Times Room/Bldg Instructor
15158A3.0Wednesday, Friday @ 3:00pm - 4:50pm221 (SOCC)Jeffrey Stanaway
For a complete listing of Epidemiology courses, their elective categories, and when they are typically offered, please see the Graduate Course Listing Page.